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The Importance Of Socialization In Yorkshire Terrier Training

2016/5/4 10:19:51

Not many people understand the importance of socialization in yorkshire terrier training. Indeed, some folks are not aware that socialization has something to do with their dog's training progress. A well-socialized yorkie is more well-behaved, obedient, responsible and outgoing. Socialization makes it easier to do a series of yorkie training programs. The sooner that you can socialize your yorkie, the more friendly and well-behaved he becomes.

Yorkies tend to be very aggressive toward other people and pets. Such breed may seem charming, outgoing and playful; however, your terrier may bite your friends if you don't make it a point to properly introduce them to your dog. He may also keep on barking at strangers unless you acknowledge the person and introduce him to your pet accordingly.

When it comes to other people, including other dogs and animals, yorkshire terriers can be unpredictable and hostile. Thus, make socialization a priority. In fact, proper socialization must be a part of your basic yorkshire terrier training lessons. You should begin socializing your yorkie as soon as you can, especially during the first few weeks of his puppy stage. This way, your yorkie will know how to interact well with other people and pets.

Although yorkshire terriers are small, they don't care about their size and so they are inclined into acting all high and mighty. Your yorkie may even try to take over your place as pack leader if he doesn't see you fit for such position. That is why leadership and socialization must go hand in hand, and must be implemented immediately. Your entire household should also know how to handle your pet, especially if he is being stubborn.

Yorkshire terriers easily get jealous and have the tendency to become extremely territorial or possessive. They always like to be with their masters, and of course, their "family." Thus, if you keep on ignoring your yorkie or does not know how to respond to his needs, he is likely to display undesirable behaviors such as jealousy and possessiveness. You must make it clear to your dog which behaviors are acceptable and undesirable; and which territories to explore.

Proper socialization is the best way to help your yorkie grow friendly, more witty and responsible or well-behaved, particularly if you have guests or new pets at home. A well-behaved or well-socialized yorkie is usually easier and more fun to train. Yorkshire terrier training is a lot more fun and effective if you don't have to worry about behavioral issues and fluctuating moods or tantrums caused by lack of proper socialization training.

Moreover, yorkshire terriers can be trained as reliable watchdogs as they have exceptional hearing and a strong sense of observation. They are very observant and suspicious of those people and animals that they have just met. Thus, take advantage of your dog's inherent abilities by making him go through different levels of yorkshire terrier training.

Hiliary Milne is a writer of many useful yorkshire terrier training tips and techniques. She provides trustworthy yorkie training information and resources for a more fun, convenient and productive dog training experience. Please visit to get more details...