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Aquarium Filters Are Vital To Fish Health

2016/5/4 10:17:38

It is very well documented that having fish as pets can help reduce stress and improve your overall quality of life. That's why you should take the time to make sure that your new 10 gallon tank has the proper set up to ensure that your little buddy has a great, stress-free life as well!

One of the most common yet overlooked parts of any fish tank set up is a proper 10 gallon fish tank filter. Filters may be the single most important object in setting up your fish tank behind the tank itself and a quality water source.

Filters do exactly what their name implies - they pass the water through a screen of thick material to clean or filter the water the fish live in for impurities and also help to add oxygen back into the water. A simple hang on back (HOB) 10 gallon fish tank filter will agitate the surface of the water, which makes it easier for air to enter under the surface for your fish friend to breathe. Filters also circulate the water in your new tank so there is always a constant stream of fresh, clean water running through your tank like the natural currents of the sea. Since there is far less space inside your aquarium than there is out in the open ocean, it's especially important to maintain the flow of water inside your tank well. Without a filter, you're going to need to physically clean your fish tank far more often to prevent the buildup of fishy excretions and algae and you're going to have to resort to other methods to aerate the water.

There are a wide variety of filters for various tank sizes, climates and all kinds of special needs your particular set up may require such as salt water tanks. Take special consideration as to what size filter you may need. If your filter is too small, the water impurities will not be cleaned out well enough leading to various aquatic diseases. Your fish also won't have optimal oxygen levels to breathe. A filter that is too large, however, could lead to injuries to your fish from being sucked into the vacuum tube. Purchase a filter that is designated for your size tank, or preferably one that is meant for tanks in intervals between yours and the next 10 gallons up. For example, a 10-15 gallon filter might be a better match than one meant for 10-20 gallon tank.

Fish are very easily stressed animals and clean tanks definitely help reduce stress. A clean tank means healthy and happy fish you can enjoy for much longer so don't forget your 10 gallon fish tank filter!

Aquarium filters remote harmful contaminants in your fish tank water. These contaminants can harm or kill your fish very quickly.