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When Do Dog Illness Symptoms Require A Vet?

2016/5/4 10:12:10

Dog illness symptoms are always a concern for loving pet owners, but when do these symptoms indicate that a veterinarian should be consulted? The typical rule of thumb is that any unusual or abnormal behavior or symptoms should be reported to the vet that takes care of the animal. Sometimes treatment at the first sign of a problem will prevent any further issues and ensure a good recovery for the animal. On the other hand many minor illnesses do not require medical attention and will usually run their course in a day or two.

Young puppies who display any signs of being sick should be evaluated by a vet because of the young age and immature immune system. If the animal is any age and displays signs that breathing is difficult, seems dizzy or can not stand up and walk, or has an abdomen that seems bloated these are all signs that immediate medical attention is needed for the dog to prevent possible death or serious injury.

Some other dog illness symptoms should also be evaluated right away by a vet. If the dog has any type of seizure, is running a fever or has a body temperature that is less than 99 degrees or higher than 104 degrees, or seems to be suffering from pain or extreme discomfort. Other symptoms are not as serious, and do not usually require immediate vet attention.

If the dog is not eating like normal, seems lethargic, has diarrhea, or is vomiting occasionally then the culprit could be a virus or flu bug going around. Normally this illness will pass in a day or so, and the vet does not need to be contacted unless the symptoms persist or get severe. Nasal congestion and a mucous discharge is a sign of a cold in the animal and is not serious unless the symptoms last more than a few days or more serious symptoms appear.

There are many dog illness symptoms that can appear, and some are serious while others are mild and will pass without treatment. If the dog seems to be coughing frequently and this symptom does not go away within a short time the vet should be consulted.

A vet should also be contacted if any signs of infection are present, such as pus draining or a bad smell coming from an injury or tissue.Dog illness symptoms