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How To Maintain Your Canine's Teeth

2016/5/4 10:10:44

Maintaining your canine friend's oral health prolongs their lives. It's best to start a cleaning regimen at puppy hood. If, however, your dog is older and experiencing bad breath, this is a sign of possible gum disease. Take care of the problem immediately.

Cleaning your dog's mouth is not very difficult; but it takes some getting used to. Your pooch will squirm at first, requiring your patience and persistence. Before starting a dental regime, take the dog to the vet for a checkup giving you an idea of how progressive the decay. Typically, your vet will recommend a professional cleaning, administering a local anesthesia not harmful to your dog. It's a good idea to ask the vet for cleaning techniques.

After visiting the vet fully educated, you are ready to start cleaning your dog's teeth. Twice a week is good for maintaining a healthy mouth. You will need doggie toothbrush, and toothpaste, easily found at your local pet store. Human toothpaste is not good for your dog. Your pooch may not take to the toothbrush right away, so use gauze or cotton. Start slow perhaps a few teeth at the beginning letting the dog get used to the idea. It is important to make this a pleasant experience for total success in a long run.

A relaxed dog will be more cooperative, after a short session of playing around your dog will be agreeable. Find a comfortable place for both of you; giving you easy access to the mouth. Sitting on the floor with your doggy in your lap may work best; otherwise find a higher place possibly a counter top. Lift the lip of the dog and start from the front working your way to the back. Back teeth are harder to reach and can upset the dog, so take your time. Clean as many teeth as possible using a circular motion concentrating on the base of the tooth; really get close to the gum line. If the situation becomes uncomfortable for the dog, leave the rest for the next session. Reward your dog at the finish with a lot of praise and a small treat.

In between the cleaning, feed your dog dry kibbles, mashie foods get stuck in-between teeth causing decay. Get some dental chew bones; it will calm your dog and clean their teeth at the same time. There is also a plaque spray for use in-between cleaning. Your local pet shop carries a variety of oral health products a worthwhile investment to keeping your dog living longer.

Learn how it is simple to clean dog teeth if you don't take them to the vet for dangerous and expensive dental scaling. It is a simple matter to clean your dog's teeth safely. These all natural dog dental products come in gels and sprays that are simple to use. We also offer cat teeth cleaning products.