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Understanding Animals as Medicine Helpers

2016/5/4 10:10:26

Native American teachings, traditions, and Lifeways can help us understand the relationship between humans and nonhumans. These relationships were established long ago between the ancients and the animal nations in order that they might get along with each other and help each other survive. Today, the challenges to both humans and nonhumans in this world have changed dramatically. Yet, the Medicine Helpers are still honoring their agreements with humans. It is not only a benefit to engage the help of Animals, and of Trees and Grasses and the Crawlers and Winged Ones and Fishes, it is necessary for our mutual survival. We move away from these beings at their peril. And ours.

When you establish a conscious relationship with a particular Medicine Helper nation, you not only benefit yourself with its guidance, you become part of a small but unique group that has done so for millennia and that figures prominently in the survival of humanity and the balance of the Earth. Creating a relationship with an Animal nation has as much to do with the success of the whole village as it does the personal success of any individual. This is one reason we sundance; to renew the contracts made in the distant past with all our relatives. It is my personal conviction that had these ceremonies not been carried on, even underground for those hundred years they were illegal to perform, we would not be here today. For all its technology, modern society is remarkably lacking in wisdom.

There exists a whole big industry based on Native American teachings. Not necessarily a bad thing if done knowledgeably and with integrity, where the intent is to educate to bring about positive change in the lifestyle demands of mainstream society, or to understand that what we are doing to the four legged, the flyer, and the swimmer we are also doing to ourselves. So what is it, really, that is meant when we speak of one's spirit animal, or totem, or medicine helper? And are we limited to what I call the Fantasy Romantic Glamorous Indian Animal List? That is, would it ever be productive, or appropriate to initiate a relationship with the vulture nation? Or the rat? Or the maggot? Or are we limited to creating relationships only with eagle or buffalo, wolf or bear? You know, the glamor animals. What about cactus nation?

Medicine Helpers come and go, they are available to us when we need them, we learn from them and they can guide us, provided we are open to them and can accept the idea. Is it any more bizarre that we communicate with sentient, intelligent, self-cognitive beings that have incarnated in a form that we call "animal," or "tree," than we would communicate and accept guidance from spirit beings we have never seen incarnate in any form, such as angels or spirit guides? If one can accept the premise that these beings, the animals and trees and thunder are from the same Source, then they are expressions of that source, and imbued with certain strong "medicine," or capacities that we can benefit from.

They tell me that long ago, long before the two legged ever walked the Earth, the Great Mystery knew we would be coming here. And the Great Mystery also knew we would be a curious lot, with many peculiarities and inconsistencies and ways that would run contrary to what Great Mystery wants for us. But we would be free to do these things, so that we would learn: Out of all the creations of the Great Mystery, we would be the one in most need of learning. Knowing this, the Great Mystery sent ahead the four legged and the flyer and the swimmer, the standing people and the thunder beings. In every one of these and in every part of what we call "Nature," the Great Mystery gave each one certain gifts, or special capacities, what some call medicines, so that when the two legged lost his way he might eventually look to these others and see in them those capacities that could help him. Eons ago, the ancient ones realized this, and they were very happy and very humbled by this. They approached the various nations and sought to make peace and to create relationships that would benefit both, and over time these relationships have become very strong. As long as the two legged honored them and sought to renew them and not take them for granted. And this is the reason these things work this way.

I realize few have the benefit any more of sitting at grandfather's knee or following grandmother around all day long. And this is sad, because this is where much learning once took place. Today we have books and Animal Planet and college degrees. But even these rarely, if ever, speak to the true capacity of the Medicine Helpers. How then, is one to know who to go to when she or he needs to heal a broken heart? Or to stand strong for compassion, or to heal some disease, even of the mind? We can learn these things if we are willing to dedicate ourselves to them. We can observe, we can see not only with the eyes, but with the mind and the heart. If only we would. We can discern the reason behind the action. Once we open to the idea. We can and should also seek direct contact through the spirit world; our spirit to the Medicine Helper's spirit. Open a dialog and train yourself to notice the tiniest details, for your answers might come in dreamtime or when a water buffalo rides a bicycle across your lawn. Interpreting the actions and extending them into useful information, or metaphor, is an art, yes, but it is one you can learn. It's like going to the gym; every trip you get a little stronger, you get a little better at it.

I encourage you to open yourself up to the natural world. Spend time alone in remote areas where you can quietly sit and watch. In time, you will be amazed at who will come to you and what they will share with you. Speak to the Helpers the same way you would talk to any two legged. And let go of any idea that we two leggeds know it all, that we are "king of the hill." It is simply not true. We shun these beings and it is our loss. Unfortunately, our ignorance is hurting them also, as we encroach on their habitat, as we destroy it or pollute it. Yet it is my experience they are still willing to help us if we will just open up to the possibility.

And the bicycle-riding water buffalo? Visions are among the most powerful tools Spirit uses to teach us.

Rick McBride is mixedblood Cherokee who has pursued his heritage since childhood. He's been involved in ceremony for some 30 years, dedicating himself to other mixedbloods pursuing the Lifeways. Please go to To check his lecture and workshop schedule: