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American Alsatian Dog Breed Information

2016/5/4 10:07:10

The American Alsatian, formerly the Alsatian Shepalute is a dog originating in the United States of America, raised to the appearance of the bones of the Dire Wolf and the structure of the organization. It was developed to purebred Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, English Mastiff, pastor of Anatolia and great Pyrenees, through selective breeding lines. The race was developed as a great companion dog, making this the only large breed of dog bred originally for this purpose. Although the American Alsatian can be trained to work and some succeeded as search and rescue of wild dogs, this breed does not have a strong desire for the greater part of the efforts of working dog physical requirements. American Alsatian is more suitable for working dogs of gentle therapy or reading education assistance dogs.

The American Alsatian is generated so that they appear in the size and structure of the bone, Wolf said that you disappeared in the mid to end of the Pleistocene. This breed is a breed of large permanent size on average between 24 to 28 cm in the cross and weighing between 75 and 120 pounds. The total length of the American fighter is greater than the height. Say, as the head is very broad and large, slightly inclined to a dark broad snout. This dog nose is deeply black, with defective color variations. Varies the color of the eyes of light brown to yellow with a form of desired kernel. Ears of blacktip reserve wide and are erect and shorter in his large stature. However, can move in all directions when he listens to and also removed to lie flat against the sides of the skull when shame.

The neck is short and thick in circumference. His shoulders are slightly inclined and define a large part to accommodate the depth and width of your chest. It has large feet and heavy that are slightly massacred in support of their weight and their legs are massive and round reflecting this desired likeness of race with sturdy legs of the Dire Wolf. Any sign of weakness in the legs is considered a serious offence. This breed of dog has a tail well-furred which is flat and not curved at the back of his body. It is black and reaches to the hock. American Alsatian has a thick, dense changed which seems totally out of the spring and summer. With the Wolf, they also have a longer and thicker with a colour outer layer black and clear. All the skin pigmentation should remain dark. The skin color of gold in the sand, Grey Wolf wood being the most desirable money. Sable dyes cream and black have also been noted in some dogs, but they are still very rare in general

The American Alsatian is a quiet dog with a low unit of work. Does not open the room except encouraged. True to the personality of dogs raised for the company, the American Alsatian enjoys being close and affectionate with their owners. American Alsatian is generally friendly, but they tend to be more distant with pets or unknown children. However, the American Alsatian is rarely aggressive or fearful. While abroad, these dogs usually do to walk or tour the area, choosing instead to remain close to his home and his pack. True companions, these dogs are sensitive to the voice and thus respond to the correction of the light. Due to its quiet nature, storms and noise that usually does not bother them.

The first generation of American Alsatian has been recorded by the Club of the Shepalute for North America in 1988 with dog Alaskan Malamute and German Shepherd of pure-bred lines. Later, purebred English Mastiff entered the gene pool to establish the greater part of the bone structure, a broader head and a deep chest. Each dog was specially selected for their health and their personality. Only some small chosen have been selected to continue in agriculture had desired traits of a family companion dog. Any hyperactive nature, complainer, or bark was high. In 2000, the American Alsatian was the first time the American public, which finally meets the standard of the breed in appearance and personality. Since that time, a mixture of Great Pyrenees / Shepherd of Anatolia, with mellow, relaxed attitude and great bone structure has been used on several lines in 2004.

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