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A Pug Pup Crash Course

2016/5/3 17:03:10
by Jenny Donaldson

If you are looking for a dog that will keep you company and wants to be with you all the time then the Pug is a great dog. It is bred specifically because it is such a great companion dog. The Pug puppy is energetic and this energy will last a good two or three years depending on your Pug puppy. If this sounds appealing to you then the Pug is the right dog for you. There are however some downsides to having a Pug.

Consider whether you are serious about having a Pug puppy because eventually your Pug puppy will become a full-grown Pug that may have genetic illnesses that are quite serious. To minimize this you should always buy your Pug puppy from a reliable breeder. Good breeders have wait lists because of the small size of Pug litters.

Never use a choke collar on a Pug; a Pug puppy already has breathing difficulties due to the way its body is shaped. Using a choke collar could be very, very dangerous. Pug puppies need you to be firm with them from the start when you are training them. This is because they are mischievous and a little stubborn. Being consistent throughout training and always discouraging bad behavior will go a long way to having a well-behaved Pug puppy.

Pugs enjoy napping and they can sleep almost half the day away. Having a great doggy bed for them will help to make them happy. You might actually need more than one dog bed in the house to accommodate their love for sleeping. Having dog beds will also restrict your dog from attempting to get on your sofa and shedding. Plenty of toys to stimulate and occupy your Pug is also a great idea.

Cold water is an effective way to cool down a Pug pup that looks like it’s over heating. You should also take your Pug to the doctor as soon as you can once you notice signs of sunstroke. A handy tip is to keep an ice bag for small necks, usually used by children, in case of such an emergency.

You should also brush your Pug’s teeth regularly. This will help avoid gum disease and also help you monitor the condition of your Pug’s mouth. You will be able to notice anything unusual and ask you vet about it.

You should also brush your Pug’s teeth regularly. This will help avoid gum disease and also help you monitor the condition of your Pug’s mouth. You will be able to notice anything unusual and ask you vet about it.

Pugs are a breed that needs a lot of love and attention and if this doesn’t bother you then they are ideal dogs for you. They will reward you with as much, if not more, love and are suited to anyone who does not lead a very active or outdoor oriented life. Because of their small size and low activity they are great for anyone living in small spaces or apartments. Think carefully before buying a Pug and when you do decide to get one you will have all the fun that comes with a Pug puppy.

About the Author: About the author: Jenny Donaldson is a passionate lover of the Pug and owns a popular website where you’ll discover how to have a happy, healthy and well behaved Pug. Among other topics there, you will find out more about Pug Pups plus a whole lot more.