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Bird Proof Means Bird Rid

2016/5/3 15:33:30

Birds can have a beautiful song to sing, but when they are invading personal relaxation space, there’s nothing beautiful about it. They can carry parasites and they drop faeces just about everywhere they tend to frequent. For a bird proof method of bird rid, a large windsock with large eyes on it to act almost as a scarecrow can be placed. Only difference is that it moves, it frightens the birds away. Another bird proof method is placing bird slides in areas where birds like to perch. A bird slide sits at an angle, making it harder for birds to comfortably rest. When the environment is no longer hospitable to the birds, they’ll simply look for a new home.

Electronic devices that feature bird distress sounds or sounds from Birds of Prey have been known to work for some people. In many cases identification of the type of bird that is causing the problem is needed. The electronic squawk boxes are usually species specific. Bird Netting has been an alternate way to keep birds from causing a lot of damage and there is also a type of gel bird repellant that can be obtained which is non toxic. Gel can be spread wherever the birds roost.

On a commercial level bird spikes can be used. Bird Spikes prevent bird roosting and the dirty droppings associated with it. There is also something called a Bird Buffer that emits a mist that repels birds. These Bird Buffers have been used successfully by businesses that have a lot of food crumbs that keep the birds coming back for food. One last method would be a trap that allows the birds to fly in but they can’t get out. The airport in Seattle has one of these. They trap the birds and then relocate them.

The suet feeder can also help in bird rid. Suet reacts with very hot weather. If it coats the bird, the feathers can be damaged. By placing the suet feeder at areas where the birds cause damage, it becomes easier for them to get used to it. Once the birds get used to it, the feeder can be moved away from home, but slowly. The next option would be visual deterrents. Anything that reflects light or one that moves like silhouettes of bigger birds like falcons and hawks, could be used in this regard.

Another bird proof method of bird rid is to hang aluminum foil strips from awnings. If this option doesn’t work, a sound system that deters the birds can be used. However, this can cost a lot of money. For those who don’t have enough money to purchase the device, a cordon that covers the property can be hanged. A wire mesh can also be a substitute but it has to be one wherein the birds do not get caught. Plastic bird netting is also a great solution.

I am Aiken Jones a Journalist by profession and working as Marketing Coordinator with Bird Proof. For more info about Bird Proof visit