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Canine yeast ear infection

2016/5/3 15:11:06

Canine ear yeast infection is relatively common, chiefly
in dogs with lop ears – such as bassett hounds and spaniels – yeast and microbes growing in warmish, lightless and clammy situations.

It is predominantlywidespread in those dogs that fill a great deal of their life outside.
It is unusual in animals with pricked ears (ears that stand erect), but the condition can still appear.

Should your pet appear to be distressed, rubs or scratches his ears or is endlessly shaking his head, then you had better look at his ears. You may detect redness and puffiness, possibly a discharge, but definitely an foul smell. This is almost certainly a dog ear yeast infection, but it has to be verified by your veterinary surgeon. If it is not dog ear yeast infection then your dog may have ear mites.

Prevention of dog ear yeast infection

Inspect your dogs ears frequently, at least once a week. It could be a good idea to inspect them after walks, notably in long grass where seeds etc might be picked up.
Make certain your dog’s general condition is first-class, to ensure that his immune system is working properly. Give him lots of exercise and the correct diet – no table leftovers.

Dry any water after bathing, swimming or just being out of doors in the showers.
Cutting away any excess hair frominside the ear will help.
Keep your Pets ears as hygienic and dry as practicable. Yeast loves moisture so if you have a dog with floppy ears endeavor to get as much air to the interior of the ears as possible. Clasp the ears up when you are enjoying a cuddle side by side or if your pup will accept it use a headband to pull them up – only around the house though!

Some recommend using diluted vinegar, alcohol or even hydrogen peroxide toclean round the external ear to cleanse it. You would be better advised to purchase one of the plentiful mild and safe ear-cleaning products available. Use clean gauzes or cloths for cleansing. Never start poking within the ear canal with cotton wool buds.
Be really cautious cleansing the outer ear too, you do not want to injure the ear canal or ear drum.

Dog Ear Yeast Infection – Treatment

When treating canine ear yeast infection try to keep clear of anti-biotics as these destroy all the ‘beneficial bacteria’ and can incapacitate the dog’s normal equilibrium. This could bring about canine ear yeast infections getting a dominance that may be hard to overturn.
Look into the use of anti-microbials. Health food stores generally stock these and they can help to lessen dog ear yeast infection. However don’t omit to talk to your veterinarian before using any medication for your dog, even herbal or ‘natural’ remedies.
If the yeast infection in dog ears is extreme you will have to examine the use of enzymatic anti-microbials like Zymox, with your veterinary surgeon. This might block and guard against canine ear yeast infection.

Always talk to your veterinarian to start with before you use any remedy on your pup.

For more information about yeast infection in dog ears and other canine ear infections check out our website at