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Dog Breeding Gestation And What Breeders Need To Know

2016/5/3 14:06:43
Gestation is the period when the young are developing in the mothers uterus, and ends at birth. The diagnosis of the mother as being pregnant may take 26-35 days after breeding, when the bitch is said to show.

The gestation period for all dogs is about nine weeks. Whether it is a Great Dane, or the tiny Chihuahua, the gestation period is the same.

How long is a dog pregnant is the next question asked. Well, the gestation period for dogs is 60 - 63 days. Start counting from the first time you bred her (put her with the male when on heat).

Normally the mother dog experiences heavy coat shedding (blowing her coat) during the nursing period.

When the birth starts she'll let you know, with changes in her behavior and sometimes a clear discharge. When it is time, she may need your help and travel to a vet if things do not go right.

These days there is great info on the web to help novice breeders, nut be prepared for anything and hopefully all will go smoothly, and the mother dog will do everything for you.

The mother's diet should be a high quality food until the pups are fully weaned. She can also be fed high protein foods such as cooked chicken or beef. During her last few days of gestation she may not eat as much a she normally would this is her getting ready to labor and whelping.

We recommend that you call your vet and have the mother seen as soon as she shows, for prenatal care. Do ask lots of questions and your vet should then be up to date on what's going on with your bitch in gestation. You should line things up with the vet as you might need a vet in case she has trouble whelping.

The vet cannot necessarily tell you specific information about your breed so if you are new to dog breeding get yourself a mentor too that has gone through this, so you can know what you are doing. Caring for a bitch through pregnancy and at the birth is an enormous responsibility and shouldn't be passed over lightly.

When the mother to be is getting close to the birth it has been found that once her body temperature drops below 99.2 deg. F the birth should follow within 24 hours. As she gets close she will start panting, circling and and laying down a lot.

Also, be prepared yourself as well because after the birth it's work, work, and more work, for what will seem like 24 hrs a day. Little puppies are also poop machines for 8-10 weeks until you sell them or just find them home so be warned!