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The Typical Pet Shop Proceeds

2016/5/3 14:02:58
You love shopping at the mall, and you have noticed that no store is more crowded on a regular basis than the pet store. Children laugh and point at different kinds of dog breeds, begging their parents for a puppy.

Many parents give in and purchase puppies for several hundred dollars, and you notice that there is always a new supply of dogs each time you go in. Indeed, having a pet store is a popular business, and to keep it popular, an abundance of typical pet shop proceeds go to maintain the cleanliness of a pet store.

Typical Pet Shop Proceeds: Thousands Per Month

Indeed, you eyes might widen at the thought of the typical pet shop proceeds being so lucrative. However, your eyes would be reduced to slits if you knew, in fact, how much of the pet shop proceeds must got toward maintaining the animals as well as the store itself.

Consider for a moment, the upkeep of one puppy. A puppy goes to the bathroom on a regular basis, eats a considerable amount during the day, and needs bedding as well as a toy or two to keep it comfortable.

Multiply the basic needs of one puppy times about ten (the usual median amount that any pet store has at a given time) and you realize that the typical pet shop proceeds dwindle in the amount of puppy food, cleaning supplies, and comfort needs that each dog requires per week.

Then, typical pet shop proceeds also go towards the general upkeep of the store itself. For example, if the space in which the store is located has an older heating and/or air conditioning system, they must be fixed on a regular basis, and that too costs money.

Lastly, but most importantly, there is the issue of keeping the pet store up to code. A pet store cannot stay in business if it is unclean and its animals are not well taken care of. Some of the typical pet shop proceeds thus will have to go towards maintaining a business permit, as well as rigorous cleaning of animal cages.

Of course, all of this cleaning has to be done by the employees. Oftentimes you will notice that pet stores are advertising for only part-time help. This is because part-time employees generally are not given healthcare, which allows for less money to be spent in that direction.

For more information on how your local pet shop is run, inquire amongst people you know who are familiar with how the shop is run. Chances are someone at least is familiar with one of the employees, especially if your pet shop is located in a small town.