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The Cost Of Spaying A Cat

2016/5/3 9:41:33

Just in case you're here out of curiosity to the word "spaying" it isn't a spelling mistake that supposed to read spraying. As for the cost of spaying a cat... well it is a bit more expensive than neutering a male cat.

Spaying is associated with a female cat. The surgical procedure has the same outcome as the male cat neutering procedure but it costs a little bit more because the female cat requires their ovaries to be operated on. It's a complex procedure that takes a great deal more expertise, time and precision to make sure the operation goes successfully.

It's due to the precision and the vets time being required more that there's often a surcharge added to the neutering cats cost of spaying a cat.

This can often be assisted with financial aid available from local charities and animal shelters. However, there's probably a criteria that you'll have to meet in order to qualify.

The most frequent being that you can only be assisted with the cost of spaying one cat. So, if you have 2 or 3, you'll probably be assisted with the first operation and the others you'll have to pay for in full. Depending on what helps available in your area of course.

If you can't access financial assistance for whatever reason you can expect the price to be around $70 or up to $100 in some cases. It's very rarely more than that.

Typically vets will want to assist in any way they can to have female cats spayed as there's a huge responsibility to animal welfare associated with the procedure.

For animal control purposes the procedure is considered an essential operation to have done. It impacts on the future generation of feral cats left to survive in the wild as more and more animal shelters struggle to cope with the over population of cats needing homes.

Neutering cats or spaying female cats aims to address this issue.

Some folks believe that it's a cruel procedure to put the animal through, but it is infact done in a very humane manner and there is never at any point, any pain or discomfort to the cat throughout the operation.

They are given a general anesthetic to put them to sleep and within 20 minutes, sometimes less, the procedure is over with. The cat is able to home the same day in most cases, and for the female cats, they'll have a couple of stitches across their side. This grows back within a month following the cat being spayed.

During the first few days following the cat being spayed they're sometimes required to wear protection on their heads. This is just to prevent them biting at the stitches. That's about the only distress the cat will feel. Being limited to where it can wash itself.

But that's only for 2 or 3 days.