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Pet Supplies For Flea And Tick Control In Dogs

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Pet Supplies For Flea And Tick Control In Dogs

     There are a number of good flea and tick control pet supplies out there. With the number of products available, it is sometimes hard to tell which products do what. We are going to examine some of the most popular pet supplies available to control fleas and ticks.

There are a wide range of methods available in pet supplies to control these pests. Some of the methods include once a month topical treatments, sprays and mists, collars that are treated, shampoos and rinses, and oral medication that the animal swallows.

First let's take a look at the shampoos and rinses. These are liquids and powders that are either shampooed into the fur and then rinsed out, or they are put on wet fur after a bath and left on with no rinsing. There are numerous brands of these pet supplies available on the market. The main ingredients may differ depending on the brand name, but all these products are intended to kill fleas and ticks. Some of these pet supplies even treat Sarcoptic and Demodectic mange in dogs.

Next we will examine the once a month treatments available for dogs. These treatments are given once a month by rubbing the small amount of liquid into the skin at the nape of the dog's neck. Some of the more popular brands of this pet supply are Advantix, Frontline Plus, and Advantage. There is also a pet supply treatment called Revolution that is given once a month. However, this medication only controls fleas, mange, and ear mites without controlling ticks. It is used to prevent heartworms as well as control certain pests.

An oral medication that is available to control fleas only is called Proban. Flea and tick collars are also great pet supplies to get rid of these pests. These collars are treated with various chemicals that will not hurt the animal, but they are deadly to fleas and ticks. This method, however, is not as effective as others.

Sprays and mists are the last pet supplies we will look at to control fleas and ticks. A lot of these products have Permethrin, or a similar chemical, as the main ingredient in the product. This ingredient kills the pests and may even leave a lingering protection in the bloodstream of the animal. These pet supplies are intended to be left on the fur and skin of the dog to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Any flea or tick that bites and swallows the blood will be poisoned and die.