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Feeding Your Golden Retriever Pup

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Feeding Your Golden Retriever Pup

     One of the most joyful moments is when your golden retriever greets you as you enter your home. It does not matter if you have been gone for an hour or a week, you will always be greeted with love and dedication. Among other fond moments is feeding your golden retriever when he or she begs you for food.

Feeding your golden retriever the right kind of food is very important. Of course, all golden retriever puppies will feed from their mother till they are seven weeks old. But once they reach the tender age of three weeks, they need to be fed puppy food as well. You need to make a mixture and soak the puppy food so that it becomes a thick, consistent compound.

It will make the food similar to their mothers feed, and they will be able to adapt to eating it very easily. It is important to remember that puppies have very sensitive and delicate digestive systems, and may react to changes in their intake of food.

The puppy should get the same food they have been consuming before when you bring them home. Due to the new environment, feeding your golden retriever may not be easy, and he or she may not want to eat much initially. Do not force the little one, but let it take in its new surroundings.

Once it is used to its new home, and also realizes that it does not need to compete with the other puppies, it will come around to the feeding bowl eventually.

After a sound sleep, you can take the puppy for a nice walk and let him move around and relieve himself. You can begin feeding your golden retriever when you get back from the walk. Make sure you plan his feedings at regular intervals thrice during the day, and get him used to a feeding regime.

Make sure you adhere to the same timings every day so he can get accustomed to them. You can always feed your puppy a little early in the evening, so you can both go for a walk before you turn in for the night. You can keep newspapers or pads in the same place every night so your puppy can get used to using that area as a bathroom in case you cannot take him out through the night.

You should be feeding your golden retriever dry food stuff with a dash of warm water by the time he or she is eight weeks old. Add a little water slowly while feeding your golden retriever, as this will enable your puppy to finish all of the food on his plate. They like eating this way.

Also, remember not to hurry this process, but let the puppy feed at its own pace and enjoy the food while getting used to the process at the same time. Most golden retrievers will have good appetites and eat their fair share of food given to them. They will regularize their food habits over time, and get trained to eat at the same place.

As their stomach grows with age, they will increase their intake of food accordingly. You will notice that you no longer need to add warm water to their food, and they will eat it much faster too!

Give your Golden retriever a lot of love and attention, and you will find that it will prove to be a truly loving, faithful companion through life. Make sure you are feeding your golden retriever well, so that it has a healthy appetite and gets good nourishment.