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Buying Your First Freshwater Fish Tank

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Buying Your First Freshwater Fish Tank

     When you bring home that very first freshwater fish tank I know you are eager to get it up and going. You may be tempted to fill it full of water and add a few fish the first day you get your tank. It would be wise to take a step back and think about a few things before you buy your aquarium.

You need to make some decisions such as how big a tank do I need, and what type of material should it be made of. Decide before you go shopping what type of accessories you will need. The biggest choice for many is to pick out the right type of fish. Get this wrong and nothing else will matter.

This article will look at some of the most important things you need to decide before going out to the pet store to do your shopping.

The most important choice you need to make is how big of a tank do you need. You need to ask yourself how big of a space do I have to put my new aquarium. Also decide on the size fish you intend to keep. Everyone loves those huge fish tanks that the pet stores always seem to have out on the floor but are they the best choice for you. If you are just getting started a small tank may be a much better option as they cost a lot less.

Next you need to decide how much you want to spend. You can get tanks made of glass or acrylic. The acrylic tanks tend to cost more. Either type will do the job so let your budget help you decide what to buy.

The tank is just the first step, as you will need to add all kinds of accessories such as a heater and decorations. You will need gravel and a filter also. These items can add to the cost pretty quick so do your research and know just what you need before you go shopping.

The type of fish you choose will decide everything we have talked about so far. This is the most important decision you have to make. If you decide to keep a pair of Oscars you will need a very big aquarium. On the other hand a few small community fish can get by just fine in a small fish tank.

Do the proper research before hand and you will do fine with that new freshwater aquarium. Enjoy the hobby of fish keeping