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Understanding pet bed routines

25 12:06:37

Understanding pet bed routines

Every time you look at your pet, you find it is invariably sleeping. Sometimes you look at it adoringly, sometimes with anxiousness, sometimes you wish you could sleep like them and sometimes you worry whether it is healthy for your dog to sleep so much.

Dogs actually have quite interesting sleeping habits. While some of those habits depend on factors like breed, age and sex, there are other singular sleeping traits your dog will exhibit while it sleeps that are well… all dog!

Here's 5 things that your dog will do while it's sleeping.

They wake up more frequently than we do

How many times has it happened that you are enjoying a blissful moment watching your dog snore away peacefully on its dog bed and suddenly it jumps awake? Don't be astonished as it is perfectly normal for them to do so. Unlike humans, dogs can wake up instantly and be full of energy only minutes later.

They take power naps

Dogs require 14-18 hours of time on their pet bed. But this can vary depending on the breed and the level of activity that your pet is involved in. Most dogs are nocturnal creatures. Their senses are active during the night. So they can divide their sleep hours throughout the day and still be active all throughout. And you always wondered where the concept of power naps came from!

Dogs sleep when bored

Most dogs need to be engaged in a lot of physical activity. Pet supplies such as toys, leashes, shoes, etc. aide in providing them with such exercise, but most dogs tend to sleep when they are bored much like humans. Lack of activity inevitably results in boredom which results in a dog spending time on its bed. It is perfectly okay if your dog yawns and sleeps when bored, it is not to be taken as a sign of ill health.

Doggie dreams

Dreaming is a habit commonly shared between you and your dog. Dogs also have sleep patterns such as slow wave sleep or SWS and rapid eye movement or REM. During REM a dog experiences high brain activity and deep sleep. Often when you see your dog whimpering or its eyes or whiskers twitching, or it kicking its leg, know that it is in a deep slumber on its dog bed.

Dog's side of the bed

Like humans, dogs too enjoy a fixed place to sleep in. Make sure your pet bed is placed in a warm, comfortable place. Sometimes like you fall asleep on the couch, or on a chair, dogs too can sleep in different places but need their bed to be fixed in a place. Avoid altering that position too often as it will affect your pooch's health.