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Understanding Dog Behavior and Correcting Their Misbehavior

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Understanding Dog Behavior and Correcting Their Misbehavior

     If you plan to bring a pet dog at home or you already have a pet dog that you want to train to behave, it is important to start with understanding dog behavior. Of course, you can't just expect the dog to do exactly what you want, you have to have the commitment to train them to become well-behaved pets.

If you are dealing with aggressive behavior with your pets or you want to train your pets to become well-behaved, here are some things and tips that you may want to learn in dealing with and understanding dog behavior.

Keep in mind that training your puppies at the earliest possible time yields better results and of course, makes it easier for you as a trainer.

Excessive Barking

Barking is a dog's natural way to communicate but when it becomes excessive and without good reason, you can help him control his barking by starting out with some firm commands like 'No' or telling him firmly to be quiet. Be careful not to reward misbehaviors. If your dog has been barking for some time, do not feed him just to make him quiet. He will associate excessive barking with good feeding afterwards, so make sure you only reward good behavior.

You can also spray water on the dog's face if he is barking excessively without any good reason, so he can associate it with something that is not pleasant for him, and thus will make him stop.

Biting and chewing

Dogs do bite but if you want you and your puppy to be happy, you have to train your puppy not to bite and give him some bite inhibition training so he will avoid biting people or chewing on your furniture.

One way of teaching your puppy not to bite is to make him see that you are hurt when he bites you. Give a firm or harsh 'Ouch,' pull away from your puppy and stop playing with him. This will make him think the biting hurt you and that he will end up having no playmate if he bites. Although this may take time, this can however be effective in curbing his biting and chewing habit.

If you think your puppy is going to bite or mouth you, give him a firm 'Off' before he could touch you. Remember not to give him food just to keep him from mouthing you. This may mean a reward to him so he might continue to mouth so he can get the reward.

Problems in mating

Keep in mind also that dogs are territorial and can be aggressive, thus it is recommended that you let your puppies be neutered or spayed. This will get rid of their being territorial and preventing male dogs to chase after female ones when they are in-heat.

Indeed, you can change undesirable behavior of your pets through obedience training. Getting your pet to do what you command is an important part of taking care of your pets, and to make it easier for you and your pet, start obedience training early. Remember too that understanding dog behavior is your first step towards building great relationships with your dogs.