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Traveling by Airplane With Fido

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Traveling by Airplane With Fido

     When planning the family vacation, if a pet is among the clan, it is often an unbearable thought to think of leaving them with someone else when traveling. While it is very possible and doable to take the pooch with you, along with that privilege come the added costs and additional preparation to make accommodations for your dog. However, the extra cost involved is not a barrier to most dog owners, for the vacation would not be complete without Fido in tow. Nevertheless, remember that Fido deserves the same consideration and preparation as you would your very own children. So please keep that in mind when planning your next journey.

If your destination is too far to get to by car, and flying by plane is going to be the only way to get there, Fido will need special care and consideration for this ride. The reasons are obvious. Most dogs have never traveled in a plane and may be "traumatized" by the new surroundings, which can lead to feelings of abandonment. However, take heart for there are easy ways to combat this by doing some legwork beforehand. You can start by taking Fido to the vet for his/her shots, immunizations, and rabies vaccinations. Also, talk to the vet about a possible sedative that can quell your dog's anxieties about flying on a plane.

Once that is done, you should call the perspective airline to see what accommodations that can be made for your pet. Ask plenty of questions such as "Do they provide crates for your dogs to travel in?", "What are the extra fees involved?", "What are the size regulations?", "Do they check on dogs to ensure that they are okay during flight?" While it is best to board your dog on one of the up and coming pet airlines, that is not always affordable. But if it is, try to go that route, Then only limitation is the limited number of cities these airlines fly to, although that's rapidly changing.

If you choose to fly your dog on a traditional airline, it is smart to remember that all carriers have their own built in set of rules. No one airline is the same, and they are all different in their specific requirements. What you must remember is that if your dog is a larger size, they will likely be flown in the cargo department, where the passenger's luggage is stowed. Nevertheless, if your pooch is smaller, you will have the advantage of possibly being able to fly them under your seat.

This only applies if the pet carrier is able to comfortable fit under the passenger seat, with no obstructions to the flight crew or other passengers. However, if your dog is larger, unfortunately you will not have that luxury. Booking in advance and giving the customer service agent as much information about your pet as possible is the best rule of measure. Make sure you thoroughly investigate the airline's pet rules and policies, and you and your dog should fly the friendly blue skies effortlessly.