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Ways of Cleaning and Grooming Your Rabbit

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Ways of Cleaning and Grooming Your Rabbit

     Cleanliness and hygiene are not for human beings only, but animals need to keep themselves clean always to avoid the occurrence of diseases and illnesses.

As a pet owner, it is your duty and responsibility to keep them clean and well-groomed always.

Are you aware that rabbits are clean animals? They regularly groom themselves. Even in the forest and in the wild, they keep their fur clean by using their tongue. More so, rabbits groom each other to keep hard-to-reach areas clean. Like cats, they use their paws to clean their face. Cleanliness and good grooming is part of keeping themselves clean and healthy.

According to veterinarians, majority of health problems of domesticated rabbits are caused by lack of hygiene, cleanliness and poor husbandry. Bear in mind that neglecting the proper grooming of your rabbit is comparable to neglecting their health.

Instead of seeing grooming session as a problem, you should consider it as an opportunity to bond with your pet. It can be difficult at first to get their trust and their confidence, but you can learn to get along and to enjoy each others company during the process. When you like to groom your rabbit, have it during mid-day when they are most calm.

Things to consider when grooming your rabbit:
1. Ears ?Make sure to check your pet's ears for any build up of wax, otherwise, bring your rabbit to the veterinarian. They can get ear mites which could result to itching and build up of awful stuff. Avoid poking to their ears because you can damage them.

2. Bathing ?Bathing is definitely a NO No for them. They can get shocked and can get sick if you immerse them in water. Always remember that they are very good in cleaning them. If ever that they really very dirty and you think it is impossible for them to get clean, bring them to pet shops and let professional animal groomer do the task for you.

3. Scent glands - Be sure to clean their scent glands in either side of their anus because it can clog up. Even though it is a disgusting task to do, you need to do it to ensure they are healthy always, otherwise you can bring your pet to the veterinarian and ask him to do it for you.

4. Nails ?Have their nails and claws trimmed every four to six weeks. You can do it using nail clippers or you can ask your vet to do it for you.

5. Eyes ?wipe away any signs of tears or gunk in their eyes.

6. Fleas ?Check for any signs of fleas in their fur, otherwise, bring them immediately to your vet to receive immediate treatment. Be attentive for any signs of infestations and parasites because it can be transferred to other rabbits and they can stick on to your rugs, carpets and other household supplies.

7. Brushing ?Even though they keep themselves tidy and clean, you can brush their fur occasionally using a soft brush.

By following the tips and suggestions above, you can keep them clean and well-groomed always.