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Make Your Dog Training Easier With These Tips

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Make Your Dog Training Easier With These Tips

     There are many benefits associated with dog training. It can help your dog be better behaved and can also help you become a better owner. Read on to learn how to take advantage of all the benefits that come with training your dog. This will be time well spent that you will both enjoy.

If you want a well-trained dog, you must be willing to offer generous and appropriate rewards. You must always provide treats in a wise and timely fashion. It can create confusion for dogs if rewards are sporadic and not administered at the correct times.

House training should be built around a regular bathroom schedule. In order to foster routine toilet habits, give your dog good food between 2 and 3 times daily on a firm schedule. This will help you figure out when the best time is to take your dog out and avoid accidents.

Make sure you aren't enforcing bad behavior without meaning to. You should avoid using strips of food or attention to train when you are trying to discourage behaviors. For instance, avoid rubbing the dog's head every time they jump up when you get home.

As your dog responds to his training, you can begin to allow him more freedom. The spectrum of freedom and obedience gives your dog the happy life he deserves. Just be careful not to overdo it on the freedom initially as it can set your dog training efforts back.

Use primary reinforcement to train your dog. This utilizes something the dog loves as a means to reward positive behaviors. You can use food or a nice belly rub as primary reinforcements. This lets your dog know how to earn something it wants.

As you train your dog, be certain to gain his attention the same way every time. Use his or her name when giving a command. Get their attention and then follow up with whatever you want them to do. Dogs that are properly trained will respond when their name is said.

Alter your tone when speaking to your dog during your training. Use different tones for praise and discipline. Speak sharply and firmly, and be louder when correcting.

When you're consistent, he can learn to hold it in. When you're home with your puppy, take it out as often as possible. When the dog relieves himself outside, give him praise. Never react harshly to your dog going potty inside. He doesn't know better yet and punishment would serve no purpose. Take your dog out soon after meals and after coming out of the crate.

If you desire to leash train your dog, the first thing that you must do is to use a collar on him while you're playing with him. The pup must become accustomed to wearing the collar in order for you to use its leash. It is also necessary for hanging ID tags.

After learning the techniques from this article, you and your dog can have a wonderful relationship. Use the advice you learned now and get started on a better relationship with your dog.