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Pet Health - The Dos and Donts

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Neutering / Spaying your Pet
Studies have indicated that having your female dog or cat spayed before she matures can significantly reduce the risk of mammary gland cancer. This also eliminates her chance of uterine infections. Neutering your male dog or cat prevents testicular cancer and can prevent pet health problems of the prostate. This also can help reduce some behavioral problems. If possible, for optimal preventive pet health care, both procedures should be performed by six months of age.
Dog Dental Care
Taking care of your dog's teeth offers many health benefits. Keep your pooch's teeth and gums healthy by scheduling annual dental visits and cleaning your dog's teeth at least three times per week at home using a dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste found at most pet stores. Never use human toothpaste! Check our All Natural Pet Oral Care for Dogs and Cats.

Lyme's Disease
A type of bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, which is carried by the deer tick, causes Lyme disease. Lyme disease may cause serious pet health problems, such as lameness, enlarged lymph nodes, and an elevated temperature. The joint pain can become quite extreme. In severe cases, the bacteria can damage the kidneys and immune system. Pets at high risk for Lyme disease include those living in the northeastern part of the U.S., near the Great Lakes, or in northern California. Areas along the west coast and southern states east of Texas are moderate risk areas. Please vaccinate!

Dog and Cat Obesity
managing your dog or cat's weight can lead to a longer, healthier life. Weight control also helps ward off conditions such as osteoarthritis and diabetes. Commercial pet foods have been the leading cause of over-weight pets. If you love your pet, then it's time for a change. We recommend All Natural Pet Foods, such as Healthy Pet Net.

Separation Anxiety
A dog that is destructive while you are away from home might be suffering from separation anxiety. Dogs who do not have self-confidence, are not comfortable being left alone, or whose daily routines have changed can develop separation anxiety. The fear of isolation often results in unfavorable behaviors inside the home while the dog is alone. Keeping arrivals and departures low-key, and leaving your dog with a personal item such as a T-shirt that smells like you may ease his or her anxiety. If behavioral modifications are not enough, veterinarians may prescribe medications to help curb the behaviors.

Common signs of food allergies are inflamed, itchy skin around a dog or cat's feet, face, ears, and "armpit" folds. In addition, recurring ear infections may indicate an allergic reaction. Another form may include "dandruff" in their coat. This is common in commercial pet foods due to the incredible amount of grains added as cheap fillers. We recommend All Natural Pet Food to alleviate further issues. Click Here for more information.

Bloodshot Eyes in Dogs
Yet another sign of poor health due to many commercial pet foods. Get your dog or cat on a Natural Diet for optimal health and happiness.

Heartworm is a disease in dogs that is spread by mosquitoes, causing damage to many organs, respiratory problems, and heart failure. This disease is not easily detected so a veterinarian should determine whether your dog is heartworm-free. You can easily prevent heartworm. Start treatment when a dog reaches 12 weeks of age. Regularly administer daily, monthly, or yearly medications. Some heartworm pills also prevent intestinal parasites and include a flea prevention component. Many brands are available by prescription: Filaribits®, Heartgard®, Interceptor®, Iverhart® Plus, Revolution®, and Sentinel®.

Are People Foods OK For Dogs?
Some people foods are OK for dogs in moderation (no more than 10% of the total diet) such as:

Vegetables. Most veggies are OK for dogs, either raw or cooked. Stay away from onions and garlic because they can cause anemia in dogs.
Rice and pasta. Low in fat and calories, these foods make great treats. Use these to add some bulk for weight control diets.
Cooked meats without bones. Small amounts of cooked red meat may be OK when fed occasionally and in moderation. Remember that cooked meats can be high in fat and do not contain the proper balance of nutrients your dog requires.
Dairy products. Dairy products, such as cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs are OK when fed in moderation.
Fruits. Dogs will eat both fresh and dried fruits. Stick with apples, berries, bananas, and seedless watermelon. Don't let your dog eat too much! Too much fruit may upset your dog's digestive system.

X Foods to keep away from your dog are:
X Sweets. Under any circumstances, DO NOT let your dog eat chocolate. The chemical Theobromine contained in chocolate is toxic to canines and even in small amounts can prove to be fatal.
X Uncooked red meat and bones. Uncooked meats may contain harmful bacteria, parasites, and cysts, which may make your dog sick. Bones may be dangerous because they can splinter and puncture your dog's gastrointestinal tract.
X Chicken and turkey bones are a potential hazard for your pooch. These small bones can splinter and puncture the stomach or intestines, or cause choking.
X Grapes and raisins can be toxic to canines if eaten in large amounts.
X Onions and garlic can cause anemia in dogs.

Healthy Pet Treats
Treats are Just Another Word for Love. When you give your dog a treat, it's an extension of your love and caring ...whether it's to say hello, goodbye or simply "I love you." All of our treats contain healthy ingredients so they not only contribute to good health, but they taste great ... making each bite a satisfying tail-wagging experience.
Click Here for more information.

Figuring out how many times per day your dog should get physical activity depends on your dog's breed, age, and health. Some require short walks around the block while others require hours of running and playing. Even senior dogs enjoy getting outside after spending a day indoors. In general, make sure your dog exercises or plays actively at least 3 times per day for at least 15 minutes each time.