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Photographing Animals and People

29 10:19:06

Photographing Animals and People

We have been working to get a good photograph of Allen and our dog Leaf. With Linda as the photographer, it seems to be an interesting journey.

We have great admiration for good animal photographers. How do they ever get the animal and the person to look into the camera with pleasant expressions on their faces at the same time? It's a mystery to us.

When Leaf looks directly into the camera, the glint of light turns red in his eyes. If he looks at Allen, his cute profile is fun to see. His eyes with their unique expressions, though, aren't clear in a side view.

After putting up with us for about fifteen minutes of hassle, Leaf found a solution. He licked Allen's nose, then turned, and stuck out his big, pink tongue at the camera. So there!

On the other hand, our cat Cuddles poses like a runway model. She's the ultimate beauty, posturing for the camera, arching her back, and gazing contentedly toward the lens.

Visit to see Linda's photography talents and choose the one you like best.

We'd all love to hear from you. You can share your techniques to get a great photo at our Angel Animals Facebook page: and "Like" Angel Animals while you're there.

Allen and Linda Anderson
Angel Animals Network – Where Pets Are Family