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Housebreaking Your Puppy

28 17:10:43

Housebreaking a puppy or dog of any age can be a daunting task at first. However, it really can be done so take heart.

Usually puppies respond well to housebreaking training when six to eight weeks old and the keys to successful results are confinement, training, timing and praise.

A dog does not normally like to soil the area where it sleeps so it’s wise to keep your puppy confined when unsupervised. Know its schedule and teach it a designated “restroom” area. Take it on a leash outside to his area immediately after it wakes up, after a meal, after a play session and before it goes to bed at night.

Praise your puppy as it eliminates and you may even wish to use a trigger word.

When your puppy is not confined, be alert to signs that it needs to use its facilities such as a sudden stop of play, circling and sniffing, and running out of the room. If you catch your puppy in the act of eliminating in the house, scold it, and take it outside immediately to his “restroom” spot.

Really no good results come from correction long after the act. What’s done is done so it’s best to clean up the accident with a vinegar and water solution to remove the scent; otherwise the puppy will continue to use that place to do his business.

What about “submission urination”? This is urination during an excited greeting and is an involuntary, natural behavior in dogs. It can mean that the dog recognizes that you are the leader of the pack or alpha dog. Reprimanding your dog at this time may only worsen the situation, as this may cause it to urinate more in order to show further that it views you as the one in charge. Usually this behavior stops by the time a dog reaches two years old.

Remember, a dog is a social animal. Long periods of confinement can lead to hyperactivity, excessive barking, elimination accidents and destructive behavior. With proper training, your puppy (or even older dogs) can become delightful, faithful companions.

Reggie Andersen is a small business office advocate and pet owner. Check out his dog resource sites: Housebreaking Your Puppy or Dog