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Selecting Dogs Harness Equipment for Your Pet

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Keeping and maintenance of a pet is not as difficult as finding appropriate equipment for it is. You need to be particularly sure about the benefits and usage of any equipment before purchasing it. There are many factors which influence your decision for purchasing any equipment for your dog, especially power harness for dogs. While purchasing dogs harness you need to address few issues with selecting the equipments. You must keep the size, type and personality of your dog in consideration while selecting the harness equipment. For broader selection criteria you can add behaviour of your dog while going for neighborhood outdoor walk.

Some dogs show very aggressive nature towards stray dogs, and toddler or other people moving around in the walkway or park, etc. Though, dogs have this inherited habit, but it’s not consistent. Therefore, you can never guess, when their mood is not good. You must have good quality dogs harness that can be strapped around your dog’s chest as controlling it become a lot easier with this equipment.

Essential factors one must know about dog’s power harness

There are some essential factors that anyone dealing with a power harness of dogs must know in order to using this equipment more effectively.

•    Size of the dog – Size of the dog is particularly very important when you are using a harness for dog. It has been noticed that large size dogs are not comfortable with the rear attached harness. These types of harness instigate the canine sled-pulling behaviour of dogs and they start pulling owner or their handler. Mind you, energy of large size dogs must not be underestimated in any circumstances, doing that can cause severe problems for you. Precisely, for this very reason power harness is considered appropriate with large size dogs as it provide you enough control over dog. Apart from that, if your dog attempts pulling, it doesn’t chokes the dog chest and throat portion, causing any harm.

•    Behaviour of the dog – If your dog is aggressive by nature doesn’t matter how good harness you are using it will try to pull you, when you are out for a walk. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you use a comfortable front attached harness. For a matter of fact, most animals are strong from the front part of their body. Therefore, if you use a front attached harness, you can control dog’s movement rather than it controlling you.

•    Use of reflective tape – If you are busy whole day and get time to take your dog for a walk only after its dark outside, you probably should look for a harness that have reflective tape on its surface. These reflective tape shines in dark and anyone who is coming straight into path of your dog gets alert before reaching too near. These types of dogs harness makes sure that your dog’s movement is visible to the other people walking on the road.

Above factors are very important aspects of selecting a harness for dogs, as it ensures safety for all – dog, you and the people on the road.


Julian Jones  is a canine expert and stresses the use of proper dog accessories through his articles. As per his research, Julius K9 is the best brand for dogs harness. He recommends for the purchase of a high-quality power harness online.