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Taking Your Dog On Vacation: Preparing For The Journey

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If you decide to take your dog on vacation with you, you need to prepare well for all eventualities. It's no big deal to travel short distances with your dog because you are close enough to return home if necessary. However, if you are traveling longer distances, such as going on vacation, then you need to ensure that you are able to cope with everything the journey has to throw at you!

Before doing anything else, you should plan out your journey thoroughly when you take your dog on vacation. Make sure to plan out the route in meticulous detail, whether you are going by car, air or any other means, estimating how much time it will take you to get there and what your dog will need in the meantime. Traveling by car is obviously easier because you will be able to plan exercise and toilet breaks. However, if you are traveling by ay other means, then you will have to make sure that your dog has a comfortable crate and is fully crate trained, as well as providing toys and other items that he or she may want and need when you take your dog on vacation. Make sure you have all of the supplies necessary to keep your dog comfortable while he's away from home. Familiarize yourself with any pet-related restrictions or requirements imposed by airlines, countries or states of destination, hotels, etc.

It is also important that you prepare your dog well. Make sure he or she always goes to the toilet before entering the crate. He or she should also have water and food no less than two hours before traveling when you take your dog on vacation. Allowing your dog to eat or drink too soon will lead to a stomach upset, which will obviously not be productive for you or your dog. Finally, make sure that your pooch gets a health check beforehand just to make sure that he or she is up to it and that all vaccinations are up to date. Follow these steps and you cannot go wrong!

For more information on taking your dog on vacation, see