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Puppy Potty Training Aids to Help You Housebreak your Dog

26 9:23:57
Potty training your new puppy is one of the first things you will need to accomplish when you bring home your new dog. Housebreaking your puppy is a lot easier with the help of puppy potty training aids. The tools you use to train your puppy make the job much more pleasant for both you and your dog.

Here are a few tips to get you started on successfully housebreaking your new puppy:

1. When you first bring your puppy home, consider crate training him. Create training helps to keep your puppy in a very small space like a box or crate. The smaller atmosphere will help him to feel safe in his new home and will also make the process of potty training him go much more quickly. Generally, having a crate is a good idea because dogs will rarely urinate in the place that they normally would sleep.

2. Dog gates serve the same purpose as boxes or crates, containment. Keeping your new puppy in a smaller space will help him to adjust to his new home without becoming overwhelmed or getting into mischief. Consider also, a space that makes chewing and the occasional accident much easier to clean. This area will serve as his living area, where he sleeps and does not pee, and another separate area should become his designated potty area. The potty area should be either out-of-doors or a designated indoor dog potty away from his living space.

3. Reward good behaviors with dog treats. Doggie treats are an important part of the process when training your dog and the most important puppy potty training aids in your arsenal. When potty training your dog, dog treats are used to reward the behavior you want to train when done correctly. Find the type of treat that is his favorite and then use that one as the treat he gets for the outdoors potty behavior. Put a treat in your pocket when you take him out. As soon as he goes potty, give him the treat and lots of praise. The trick is finding the treat he wants the most. The more he wants the treat, the more rapidly he will learn the behavior.

4. Have cleaning supplies ready for accidents. Young puppies take a while to become reliably trained. On hard floors use bleach based cleaner; on carpets a stain removing product works best. Enzymatic cleaners are a favorite of many dog owners because they remove the odors associated with pets. Be sure to clean up right away and make sure that no odor remains on the soiled area. Odor will have your puppy seeking out the same spot to repeat his accidents over and over again.

Potty training a puppy takes consistent time and effort, but goes a lot easier with the proper tools and puppy training aids.