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Ten Great Dogs That Are Guinness World Record Holders!

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Ten Great Dogs That Are Guinness World Record Holders!

The Guinness World Records (formally the Guinness Book of Records) is an annual list of people, things and animals that achieve amazing, and in some cases, weird records for all sorts of things! While many people aspire to gain a Guinness World Record, few are able to manage it without a unique or very unusual skill; but what about your dog?

A significant number of dogs are actually holders of a Guinness World Record, and we’ve trawled through the record books to find out more about ten dogs that are really at the top of their game!

Read on to learn about ten amazing dogs that are Guinness World Record holders in their own right!

Norman in Georgia, USA

Norman is a large, shaggy Briard dog with one very un-dog-like skill: He can ride a scooter! Not only that, but he holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest 30 metres on a scooter by a dog, which Norman achieved in just 20.77 seconds! Norman is owned by Karen Cobb, who first noticed Norman’s interest in all things wheeled when he was just a pup, and over time, trained him to propel himself along; an endeavour that ultimately resulted in Norman’s world record achievement.

Jiff in Los Angeles, USA

Jiff is the holder of not just one but two Guinness World Records, and the dainty Pomeranian is something of a celebrity in his own right in America! One of Jiff’s special talents is being able to walk on not just his hind legs alone, but on his front legs alone too; and these skills have gained him the Guinness World Record for the fastest 5 metres by a dog on his front legs, and the same with his back legs as well!

Jiff can also skateboard and perform many other skills, and is much in demand by Hollywood; you may have seen him already, starring in Katy Perry’s music video for “Dark Horse!”

Jack the Black in Germany

Jack the Black, or to give him his full title, “Jack the Black vom Muehlrad,” is a Newfoundland dog, a breed that is particularly known for their webbed feet and aptitude in the water! Originally used as fishermen’s dogs on the Newfoundland coast, Jack the Black holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to retrieve a person from the water over a distance of 25 metres, managing to do this in just 1 minute 36 seconds!

Armstrong in California

Armstrong was a yellow Labrador retriever who lived in California, and achieved the Guinness World Record in 2003 as the first dog to be able to detect hypoglycaemia in people, a dangerous blood: sugar imbalance that can happen to diabetics. Armstrong’s achievement actually went on to found the first charity dedicated to training diabetic detection dogs, and Armstrong’s work continues to have a positive impact on the lives of diabetic people to this day.

Bluey in Victoria, Australia

Bluey holds the record for the oldest dog that ever lived, being aged 29 years and five months when he passed away. Bluey was an Australian cattle dog who worked on his owner’s farm for over twenty years, before finally passing away in 1939. No dog has beaten Bluey since then for lifespan!

Tillman in Los Angeles

Tillman is an English bulldog, who holds the world record for the fastest skateboard ride by a dog, having picked up the title in 2009 for his 100 metre run, achieved in just 19.68 seconds!

Puggy in Texas

Puggy is a male Pekingese dog that holds the unusual record of the living dog with the longest tongue! Puggy’s tongue measures 4.5” long, but this doesn’t even come close to a Boxer dog named Brandy, who holds the title of longest tongue ever at 17”!

Monkey in Los Angeles

Another California dog to make the list is Monkey, a mixed breed dog with a skill that requires a lot of patience as well as good balance: He holds the Guinness World Record for the most treats to be balanced on a dog’s nose! Monkey managed to hold 26 treats on the top of his nose to win his record before the tower collapsed, and Monkey presumably hovered up the spoils!

Anastasia in Los Angeles

There is definitely something in the water in Los Angeles; most of our list of canine high-achievers come from that area! Anastasia, a Jack Russell from the city, holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest time for a dog to pop 100 balloons, managing this in just 44.49 seconds! We’re not sure how Anastasia’s owners learned about her natural talent (or intense dislike of balloons!) but it certainly achieved the dog a spot in the history books.

Cinderella-May in the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge

Finally, Cinderella-May is a greyhound that holds the world record for the highest jump cleared by a dog, managing to leap over a fence 68” or almost six feet high! Cinderella-May won her record at the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge competition’s 2006 event.