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How to Make a Home Made Live Snake Trap (for Small-medium Snakes)

28 14:01:51

How to Make a Home Made Live Snake Trap (for Small-medium Snakes)

How to Make a Home Made Live Snake Trap (for Small-medium Snakes). If you own a snake, you know that they are quite addicting and you become attached to them quickly. But you also know that they are masters at escaping. Small snakes, especially, escape out every tiny crack they can find. If your little snake escaped from his/her enclosure, here is a way to make a home made snake trap. While there is no guarantee you will find your snake during this process, there is always hope and trying is better than sitting back and doing nothing.

Small Corn Snake

Things Needed

  • Empty 2-liter pop bottle with cap
  • Frozen/thawed mouse bate

Step 1

Get a 2-liter pop bottle and empty its content. Make sure the bottle is rinsed and dried before you continue.

Step 2

Now you are going to cut a small hole in a side of the bottle (you know how big your snake is and I don't so I can't tell you how big or small to make the hole). But you want the hole big enough for the snake to get into, but not to get back out of; I'll explain.

Step 3

You are going to place a frozen/thawed mouse, for bate, in the bottle. The goal is to get the snake into the bottle, eat the bate, and become too round to get back out of the bottle. Make sure you keep the bottle cap and place it back on the bottle so the snake can't escape through the bottle top after it eats