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Nutritional Needs for Squirrels

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Nutritional Needs for Squirrels

Nutritional Needs for Squirrels. Squirrels are a type of small rodent found in forests, cities and suburbs. Their versatility in living environment also extends to their diet, as squirrels will eat anything they can find if food is scarce. Squirrels, typically known as vegetarians, will even eat carcasses in times of food crisis. Avoid feeding an infant squirrel, especially if the mother still cares for the animal. Provide the squirrel with a tree branch or twigs to keep its teeth healthy.

A squirrel primarily eats fresh nuts and produce.

Vegetable Needs

Squirrels consume fresh vegetables. Pumpkin, cucumber, cauliflower, bell peppers and broccoli are all examples of vegetables that squirrels eat. The animal should only eat two to three small pieces of these vegetables per day. Vegetables that are high in calcium, and which the squirrel can eat in small pieces five to seven times per day, include celery, kale, lettuce, radishes and squash.


Fresh fruit is another staple of the squirrel diet. They enjoy a variety of berries, including raspberries, cranberries and strawberries and can eat up to two slices of fruit per day. Other fruit items such as kiwi, kumquats, cherries, grapes, peaches and pears also work for squirrel nutrition. If you are caring for a squirrel, select a variety of different fruits to feed to the squirrel each day to promote optimal health.

Nut and Seed Options

Nuts make up the majority of the squirrel diet. They can eat up to two nuts per day, still inside of the shell. Walnuts, acorns, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and pecans are all nut and seed options for squirrels.

Other Dietary Needs

Squirrels can ingest animal protein in the forms of cheese, hard-boiled eggs, crickets, plain yogurt, bird eggs or nestlings. They may also sometimes eat small birds. Meal worms and moths are also staples of the squirrel diet.

Foods that are Toxic to Squirrels

Do not serve squirrels pine nuts. Juice, plums, prunes, junk or sugary foods, onions and avocados should also be avoided. Some of these food items deplete the squirrel of its calcium reserves, or they are poisonous to the animal. Visit a squirrel rescue chapter or a veterinarian experienced with rodents to ask about any other dietary or health concerns.


  • Squirrel Place: A Squirrel Place Facts Section
  • Squirrel Place: FAQ
  • The Daily Puppy: Squirrel Diets
  • Squirrel Rescue: Squirrel Diets