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3 Tips You Must Know To Properly Care For Your Chinchilla

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If you have a chinchilla or are planning to get one soon, the first thing you better focus on is learning to care for it. Chinchilla make great pets because they don't get sick very often so they don't need constant trips to the veterinarian. However, if you don't take care of your chinchilla properly, then he can get sick and his lifespan won't be what it could have been. Here's 3 chinchilla care tips that will help you enjoy your little guy more and help him live a long, happy life.


#1: Chinchilla's are sensitive to temperature changes (especially heat)

Your furry friend has a super-thick fur coat, which makes him a joy to hold and to pet, but means that he is susceptible to over-heating and getting heat stroke. If the temperature in your home is constantly above 75 degrees F for long periods of time, then you should rethink having a chinchilla as a pet. They don't sweat either, so unlike us, you can't just stick a fan on them to cool them down.

If you are able to keep your house below 75 degrees F constantly, then it will make a nice home for your little chin. If you ever have a super-hot day or your air conditioning goes out for awhile, it's important to keep your chin cool. You can do this by pulling things out of you freezer for him to lean against and cool down. If you don't have any cold packs, try putting ice cubes into a covered tray and put that in his cage to lay next to.

#2: Give your chinchilla dust baths

Unlike most of God's creatures, chins don't take a normal bath in water. In fact, if they get wet it can be dangerous to their health! Because their fur is so think and they don't have any 'guard hairs' to keep the water out. If your chin gets wet, the water will get all the way into his fur and never dry, which creates a moist atmosphere that fungus can grow in (like ringworm).

The way chinchillas keep clean is rolling around in a very fine dust that penetrates their thick fur and absorbs excess oil and moisture from their skin and hair. It's important to buy specially made 'chinchilla dust bath' dust that replicates the fine volcanic rock dust that they use in the wild. Be wary of any dusts that are scented, as they can cause your little chin respiratory problems.

#3: Make sure your chin gets enough exercise

For a chinchilla to be emotional and physically healthy and happy, they need to get regular exercise. This means that you should give your chin time outside of his cage daily to run around and play. This can also be a fun and entertaining time for you as he jumps and climbs over the obstacles in the room. Be sure that you 'chilla proof' the room that he will be roaming in so he can't chew on wires or hurt himself in anyway.

You should also get an exercise wheel to put in his cage so he can get some exercise whenever he wants, without waiting for you to help. Making sure your chin gets plenty of running and playing time will ensure that he's happy, energetic and will live a long time.