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Turtle Life Span Can be Extended by Proper Care

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Not all turtles enjoy a long life here on earth. In fact, turtle life span varies widely according to its type or species. But, unlike ordinary animal pets, turtles can have such a long life span that they can actually outlive their owners! Aquatic species can survive for 70 years, while some of the land tortoises can live150 years or more.


The red eared sliders, one of the most popular turtles people choose for pets, can live for 50 to 70 years. The average life span of box turtles is 40 years, but believe it or not, they can live for over 100 years! On the other hand, the African Spurred Tortoise, the largest tortoise on the African mainland and the third-largest on the planet, can live 80 to 100 years. The slow-moving Galapagos Tortoise can reach 150 years or more. But a male Aldabra Giant Tortoise might be the oldest creature ever recorded, at 250 years old! (Anitei, 2007)

But no matter how long the turtle life span is, it cannot make the most of its natural life without its keeper's exercise of appropriate turtle care. With the sufficient knowledge of the turtle owner regarding proper husbandry, the turtle will certainly be able to enjoy a healthy, fit, and long life span.

Turtles, like other animal species, should have the right to maximize their life spans, and enjoy their existence here on earth. Our children should have the right to see them live. Let's not allow the time to come when our children—and our children's children—will only get to see these creatures in pictures. Therefore, if you are considering acquiring turtles as pets, equip yourself with sufficient knowledge to be able to provide them the ultimate in turtle care. If you do, you will be contributing to the improvement in the mortality rate of turtles and tortoises, thereby maximizing the quality and length of their lives.

Yes, turtles are turtles, and they will always necessitate a lot of attention and care to enable them to live long and healthy lives in captivity. In fact, they will not survive in an ordinary tank. They will require a proper environment, food, vitamins, lighting, temperature, and a water filtration system. Therefore, if you are not keen on the idea of giving some extra effort for a mini pet turtle, set your plan aside. Do not lead an innocent species to an unhappy and miserable life because you made a purchase for the wrong reason.

But, if you are seriously considering keeping turtles, read and learn. In addition, consult former and present turtle owners, because they can be great sources of information. It is always believed that experience is the best teacher; therefore these owners can contribute a lot to your decision-making. You can ask them about the struggles they've had, as well as the fun they've enjoyed by owning a turtle. This way, you will obtain first-hand information, especially on proper care and handling, insuring that your turtles and tortoises remain healthy and a constant source of enjoyment for years to come.