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How to Worm a Horse

28 14:24:51

How to Worm a Horse

How to Worm a Horse. You should de-worm your horse every so often. This keeps tape worm under control. Make sure you rotate the products you use. Do not use the same product two times in a row. Some paste kill tapeworms and some do other things.

De-Worming A horse

Things Needed

  • De-Worming Paste

Step 1

Since it is your horse you probably have a relationship with him or her and are able to tie them up. Massage their nozzle and play with their lips. Have your syringe in your back pocket so they do not see it because it probably tastes terrible and they will know what's coming.

Step 2

Might want to have a syringe of apple sauce once in a while to throw them off. (Something that tastes good.) Some people say to give them a treat first. I never do this because they will spit everything out once they get the taste of the product - Yuck they say.

Step 3

Lower their head by putting pressure on poll and base of rope. Squirt in the back behind their molars as far back and straight a shot as calm and fast as you can.


  • De-worm every 2 months.
  • If your horse eats lots of fresh grass de-worm every three months.


  • Copyright Zahzel Rose