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3 Healthy Tips For Living Gluten Free

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It is now not uncommon to find people who are following a gluten free lifestyle. With about one percent of Americans who are diagnosed with celiac disease and cannot tolerate the protein called gluten derived from wheat, rye and barley, more people have become aware of the gluten free diet.

Some people will tell you that it is difficult to live without gluten. However, the first thing you have to deal with is your attitude. If you think you can, you can; no matter how hard it may be which is so especially at the beginning of the change.

This article will mainly focus on some healthy tips for living a Gluten Free life. Hopefully, it will serve as a guide that can help you follow strictly your doctor’s orders to avoid gluten in your diet.

1.Choose foods that are naturally devoid of gluten.There are a lot of foods available in the market to choose from that are naturally gluten-free. Typically, these do not use wheat, rye or barley as ingredient, mainly or in part. Choose foods from the other food groups such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and poultry products. As for processed foods sold in the market, you have to learn how to read food labels to check that these foods are free from wheat and wheat derivatives. Some manufacturers specifically label their products as gluten free to help celiac and gluten intolerant consumers.

2.Learn how to make gluten free foods from home. Aside from preparing foods that use naturally gluten free ingredients, it is possible to prepare alternative foods similar to that which commonly use wheat as part of its ingredients. Some of these include bread and cakes, pasta, and other snacks. One only needs to know how to use substitute ingredients such Gluten Free Baking Flour and mixes. One helpful tool to buy is gluten free recipe books. It saves you a lot of trouble just to be able to prepare delicious gluten free meals from scratch. You can also browse for free recipes online. Another option is to buy readily available gluten free products in the specialty or grocery store. Going on the web can likewise help you find many gluten free stores from which you can buy gluten free products at good deals.

3.Know how to prepare yourself to go gluten free when you are away from home.While some doctors advise that you avoid eating out for a while, you would eventually have to dine out in restaurants. The best way to deal with the situation is to know how to choose the right food � those which were not prepared using ingredients containing gluten. So how would you exactly know this? Check the menu and ask the waiter about the dish before ordering. Let him know about your dietary restrictions. If he can’t answer your queries, then talk to the chef or the manager. If they still can’t help you, then it’s better to go to another restaurant than to suffer the consequences.

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