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Boosting Your Immune System

28 8:51:39
Instead of having to use your sick days for times when you're really ill, why not use your sick days when you're feeling fine and just need a break from the workplace? To do this, you need to build a strong immune system that can fight off the latest bug around the office. This means you need to boost your body's natural ability to fend off disease healthy food choices, plenty of rest and exercise. Here's your immune system prescription for more healthy days.

Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements That Make a Difference

Though current research is still being done on the effectiveness of certain health supplements, history tells us that certain vitamins and minerals have been used by other cultures quite effectively. For example, the use of Echinacea has been documented in Native American history as well as in other native cultures.

Another supplement that is garnering attention is zinc. I may reduce the duration as well as the severity of a cold. Zinc lozenges are readily available in drugstores, while the zinc itself is found in various Supplements and vitamins.

The effectiveness of Vitamin C is still in dispute in the scientific community, but since it is necessary in the body to help with cell maintenance, it seems like it's something that can be considered a successful immune system booster.

Mushroom Extracts, such as Noxylane4, also help support immune health by supporting the Natural Killer Cells in your body. The Natural Killer (or NK cells) are your immune system's first line of defense.

For immune health, it's important that you take certain supplements on a regular basis. It can be as simple as taking a multivitamin. An additional Vitamin C capsule or tablet may help reduce the risk of succumbing to the latest bug, while Echinacea needs to be taken for three week stretches at a time in order to be most effective.

Other possible supplements for your immune system include:

Astralagus - This Chinese herb may stimulate the body's immune system when taken over short periods of time. However, it is not recommended for those with heart problems or sensitivity to stimulants.

Fish oils - Taking fish oil supplements or adding more fish to the diet can help your body with cellular support, which can then help with immune system support.

Goldenseal - A similar ingredient to Echinacea, this is often combined in supplement form with the immune fighting herb in order to help boost immune system function.

Diet and Exercise for Your Immune System

In a perfect world, you would have healthy habits throughout the year in order to keep your immune system operating at its highest capacity. This means you would be eating a regular diet of fruits and vegetables while also limiting your sugar and fat intake. This will keep your body filled with good nutrition, allowing it to bolster the immune system and repair cellular damage on its own.

Exercise allows the cells in your body to work more efficiently as well as to process nutrients in a healthier manner. Studies have also shown that those who exercise tend to be less prone to illness and experts recommend at least thirty minutes a day of activity.

Prevention of disease is the best way to avoid taking 'real' sick days, so try adding healthy foods and perhaps a few supplements to your diet in addition to creating more healthy routines. Not only are you going to see healthier days, but you'll feel better too.