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Chapala Club

27 18:31:06
Just another reason to live in Mexico! You can afford to see the dentist even if you don't have any insurance.
So, if you need a lot of dental work done it's very possible for you to save thousands of dollars here at Lake Chapala Ajijic Mexico.
Makes the usual unpleasantness of going to the dentist a bit easier to swallow, doesn't it?

But, even if you only come for the good deals on dental and other medical procedures; you should include enough time to look around, enjoy the local cuisine, do a little boogieing on the dance floor at La Tasca as you listen to the Tall Boys Band and in general just have some fun. Who knows, you may want to come back when you're ready to retire. What? What's that you say? You're already ready to retire!
You're ready NOW to let go of the stress of high taxes which are likely to go even higher. Your tired of the stress of snow and ice or other extremes of rotten weather,
You're tired of the stress of having to count your pennies just to keep your head above water as the higher taxes are passed along in the form of higher prices for almost everything you buy from soup to nuts.
Well, OK, I Hear You ! No need to shout even though you have more than ample reason to do so.

Let me introduce you to my world here at Lake Chapala Ajijic Mexico which I've begun to call 'THE NO STRESS ZONE' where the living is easy and very inexpensive. How inexpensive is it you ask?
Well, I know a single lady here who lives quite well on a social security pension of around $600 a month for all her expenses.
Does she live in luxury? well honestly no, BUT she's not stressed out either because she lives a lot more comfortably than she would if she lived in the USA or Canada.
You see she breathes the same good clean mountain air as those with higher pensions, she eats at the same inexpensive Mom and Pop restaurants as those with higher pensions do, and she participates in the same clubs, charities, and social events as folks who have larger pensions.
The major difference is her home is much more modest and smaller, but there's just one of her, right?
She and her little dog are happy to be independent, to be able to travel by bus here and there in Mexico for short, but nice vacations, and to socialize with her circle of friends and not need air conditioning and very little if any supplemental heat in the very mild winters we have.
If she continued to live in the USA she would likely have to rely on her kids for help or become almost a "bag lady".
So, just imagine how much better you could live here on a pension of say $1,500 or $2,000 or if you're really blessed or even more..
All of a sudden since your monthly routine expenses are much less, those vacations around the world become an option, helping the kids or grandkids with school expenses is possible, contributing a lot more to your favorite worthy causes is possible and well you fill in the blank _________..
Now, I'm not saying that living a rich luxurious lifestyle will make you happy if you don't have the rest of your life together.No, I'm just saying that the one simple act of moving here opens a whole new world of exciting possibilities for you.
Having more disposable income after meeting the basic expenses of living which frankly gives you more flexibility and options as to how you choose to live your life.
So, if this is making sense to you take the next step, right now and send an e mail to me.
Put the words "NEXT STEP" in the subject so it will stand out and I can give it priority treatment.
If you would like a no obligation free telephone consultation about any aspect of living, working, and playing in our little slice of paradise just send along your telephone number and your time zone and the best time to call you between 6 pm and 9 pm ( Central Standard Time )on almost any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
If you'd just prefer to ask questions by e mail, that's fine too. I'm like Burger King: You can have it Your Way.
The Important thing is to get started today even right now.
The best days of the rest of your life are waiting for you.