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Skin Care For Cold Weather - Winterize Your Skin With These Tips

27 18:27:22
Cold weather can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it dry and itchy, flaky, and full of unsightly blotches. Harsh winds, freezing temperatures and even increased heating, can all leave your skin feeling and looking red, blotchy and dry.

Protect your skin from these harsh weather changes by following a few important tips:

-Use Sunscreen. The sun can take its toll on your skin, even during the cold winter months. Save your skin from dangerous sun glare from snow and ice by using an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen while enjoying outdoor activities like skiing, snowboarding and sledding. Even on a cloudy day, nearly 80% of the sun's dangerous UV rays makes it to your skin.

-Boost Your Moisturizing routine. Don't use the same moisturizer year-round. Stiff winds, cold temperatures and even indoor heating systems can suck the moisture right out of your skin, leaving it in desperate need of some extra care. Use a heavier, thicker, or even foamy opaque style moisturizer during the winter months. And use it more often. Most professional skin-care specialists recommend three or more times a day during the winter.

-Take fewer baths and avoid hot water. Both dry the skin, adding to those cold weather skin woes.

-Exercise regularly. Increase your circulation to deliver more nutrients to your skin cells. It is known to boost collagen production, a natural skin-saver.

-Eat Fish. It's high in omega 3 fatty acids which are proven to revitalize skin.

-Use a humidifier (especially in the bedroom), to help put lost moisture back into the air ' and your skin.

-Wear lipstick or other lip coverings to protect dry and cracked lips. Reapply often, and avoid sore and chapped lips.

-Exfoliate weekly. Smooth away dry patches on your face and body with a weekly exfoliation treatment.

-Stay away from alcohol-based skin-care products. They only dry out the skin, causing even more winter skin damage.

-Wear skin-friendly clothes. Winter fashion is notorious for aggravating the skin. People are prone to wear itchy heavy fabrics that irritate the most sensitive of skin. Bundling up for cold weather activities can also cause overheating and sweating. Let your skin breathe this winter with soft, cuddly and breathable fabrics.

Keep your skin smooth and healthy during even the harshest winter. Take special care to give it the attention that it needs and it'll look great no matter what the weather outside.