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Top Dog Care Tips

27 18:26:18
Top Dog Care Tips

As a pet owner we always try to give best things to our dog. We take so much effort to keep our puppy happy and healthy. Ideally from the young age of dog we start taking care by many ways, but some time we may fail. So to avoid this risk I have listed few dog care tips which might help you. These are as follows.


First dog care step we have to do is vaccination of dogs. Consult with pet vet and make a vaccination plan. This will protect dogs from various diseases.

Visit pet vet regularly:

At least monthly once visit to pet vet must be done. Check for any disease condition and if required try to use herbal remedies to treat non serious disease condition. Yearly once check for disease condition such as diabetes, joint disease, dental diseases, arthritis, etc.

Maintain ideal weight of dog:

Dog weight should be ideal if not start immediately weight loss regime. Once your dog achieve ideal body weight change diet plan and start a weight management diet. Keep this in mind an ideal weight will keep dog away from most of the disease. The pet vet is the best person to consult about your dog food regime.

Do regular exercise:

Try to spend time with the dog daily for regular exercise. This will help a lot to keep dogs healthy and active. Running and jumping are basic activities. You can use different dog toys and dog accessories also. Always reward dog after completion of any task, this will create motive in dogs for any further tasks.


Grooming session of bathing, brushing, clipping, nail trimming, ear cleaning etc. must be done at regular time interval for better dog care. The time interval of this session will vary according to type of dog breed, age of dog, so consult with your dog breeder and then plan grooming sessions. This will help to maintain good hygienic condition and better health status of dog.


Feed nutrient rich food so that the dog will receive all nutrients daily. The food should have a balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. Include chicken, fish and meat along with fruits and vegetable. Premium-quality dry food provides well balanced diet, so try to use it.

Provide dog accessories:

Dog care can be done with help of dog accessories like dog clothes, dog shoes, dog collar, and dog toys must be provided to the dog. Dog toys will keep the dog engaged for long hours. Dog collars will give better control of dogs, dog clothes will protect dog from changing environment, and dog house will give dog a safe place to sleep, so every accessories have importance for dog as well as for dog owner.