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How to care for clown fish

28 13:51:42

How to care for clown fish

How to care for clown fish. Clown fish definitely became increasingly popular after the hit movie from Disney "Finding Nemo". After that movie it clown fish were being sold out at pet stores across the country.

Things Needed

  • Aquarium
  • Fish food
  • Knowledge of changing and cleaning the water

Step 1

They are beautiful, colorful fish that come in may different colors and 28 different species they range in colors from orange, yellow, maroon and many other colors. They are much harder to care for then people think and in many cases they die because they are not properly cared for. They are expensive to maintain. The require saltwater since their natural habitat is the ocean.

Step 2

Initially setting up a saltwater tank can cost you hundreds of dollars to do it properly. You also can not buy several clown fish to put together because they will fight. You have to buy a single one or a mated pair. They will fight other clown fish over territory. You will need to make the environment for your clown fish just that as the ocean. you will need to get live rock, live sand, a 100-watt submersible heater, dechlorinator, gravel siphon, algae pad/scraper, fake plants, and decor for them to hide in.

Step 3

Two gallons or more per fish inch is recommended for saltwater aquariums with a minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons and the right filtration to maintain a stable environment. Saltwater fish require more room then fresh water fish and also better water quality. That being said it means that you will have to clean the saltwater fish more frequently. Besides that there is also the fact that you can not buy the fish and then let them into the tank the same day. Your water will have to sit fir an adequate time of 1 week to 4 weeks. It will give the lives sand and rock and time to settle and provide the right settlement for your fish to survive.

Step 4

They can eat several different types of food, flakes, frozen ( but thawed before feeding), tablet, live plant or animal matter. You can feed them two or three times a day. The more you feed make it smaller meals. Also do not feed them more then they will eat in 3-5 minutes. If you see a bunch of food at the bottom of your tank then you are over feeding them which could be dangerous to your fish as well.

Step 5

You can keep clown fish with other fish such as blennies, cardinal fish, damselfish, gobies, dwarf and large angelfish, pseudochromis, puffers, hawkfish, and tangs. If you have any questions before buying a clown fish, then you should ask the one selling it to you. Make sure that you do your homework and learn how to properly care for the fish before taking it home.


  • Don't base the want for a clown fish only on the movie Finding Nemo
  • Make sure you have the time and knowledge to properly care for a clown fish before purchasing one


  • Not taking proper care of a clown fish will be fatal for the fish