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How to Take Care of The Baby Betta Fish

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How to Take Care of The Baby Betta Fish

How to Take Care of The Baby Betta Fish. The Betta splendens, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are colorful fish that originate from Thailand. The males are more physically attractive than the female bettas, making it easy to tell them apart. Betta males must be kept separate as they are not compatible. The average lifespan for a betta fish is about two to three years. Betta fish are recommended for beginner fish keepers and are simple to care for.

Baby bettas are good for new fish owners.

Things Needed

  • Baby brine shrimp or micro-worms
  • Small fish tank
  • Fish tank heater
  • Fish tank filter

Step 1

Keep your fish in a small tank ranging from 3 to 5 gallons for a single baby betta fish. Keep the water clean by making sure your filter is working correctly. Keep the tank water temperature between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2

Feed your bettas twice a day until they are considered adults at about 7 months old. Baby brine shrimp or micro-worms are optimal live foods to feed baby betta fish.

Step 3

Perform a 25 percent water change several times a week to once a week. The smaller the tank, the more often you should perform a water change.


  • Do not keep baby bettas with other bettas as this may cause conflict. Bettas are very territorial and a male may fight with another fish if mistaken for another male betta.
  • Never do a complete water change as this can be stressful for the fish.


  • BC Betta: Raising Fish
  • Pet Education: A Guide for Betta Care
  • Betta Talk: Water
  • Betta Talk: Fry Growth