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Considerations When Buying An Aquarium Fish Tank

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Pet stores offer a wealth of fish accessories and the sheer amount available can be overwhelming. When thinking about buying an aquarium fish tank, there are some things that need to be considered before making a purchase:

Size of fish tank Fish tanks come in numerous different sizes. Ideally, larger tanks are better, as more fish can be kept and the water takes longer to become dirty than the water in smaller tanks, meaning less frequent cleaning.

Freshwater or saltwater Freshwater tanks are cheaper and require a lot less maintenance than a saltwater tank, however freshwater fish are not as colourful as saltwater fish. Saltwater tanks require a lot more time and money and the maintenance of a saltwater tank and the fish can be very expensive. But, the riot of beautiful colours offered by saltwater fish is a complete joy to behold.

Fish tank accessories There are some fish accessories that are a must when getting a freshwater tank: Filtration A good filtration system is paramount and there are two basic types to choose from. Internal filters are quiet and keep the tank visibly clear. External filter systems take up less room in the tank but can be a bit louder.

Heating Unless the only fish being kept are goldfish, a heater will be needed as other types of freshwater fish need the water temperature to be maintained at about 75F. Oxygen Any freshwater tank is going to need a bubble maker, to keep oxygen in the water and also to ensure constant circulation of water.

All that is needed now is to fill the tank with some decorative fish accessories. Begin by adding some rocks and aquarium plants along with some wood or ornaments and soon the creation of a whole new underwater world will be there to enjoy!