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History of Aquarium

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Aquarium keeping has been an age-old practice. The Sumerians, the ancient people of Mesopotamia have been keeping fishes in ponds since at least 4,500 years ago. Other early human cultures that fashioned aquarium keeping include the Egyptians, the Asians the Chinese, the Japanese and the Romans. These ancient aquariums served several purposes including entertainment, a place to breed fishes for market as also a ready source of food. The Chinese developed the practice of breeding ornamental fishes suitable for keeping in small containers. A classic result of their efforts is the goldfish. The term ‘aquarium’ first appeared in the works of Phillip Goose (1810-88), a British scientist. First public aquarium of its kind was opened in 1853 in Regent’s Park, London, followed by aquariums in Berlin, Naples and Paris. By 1928, there were 45 public or commercial aquariums throughout the world. After World War II growth became slow and few public aquariums were established.

In India, this concept of aquarium and aquarium fish tank keeping has been a practice since long ago, popularized mainly by the Britishers through inclusion of exotic varieties. Presently it’s gaining popularity and almost every house-hold is keen to keep aquarium.


The knowledge of Aquarium care maintenance is one of the important aspects before installation of an aquarium at any place. The detail guidelines for keeping a home aquarium may vary with each individual’s interest and objectives, as also the place of installation. In this present write up few guidelines are mentioned to develop a simple aquarium with minimum maintenance, a few basic essential tips to have a healthy aquarium and little about various type of aquarium fishes and plants. The information elaborated here is only a summary and meant for those who wants to know about the aquarium care and maintenance. One can get additional information and assistance from any specialist dealing with aquarium fish.

Different types of Aquarium

Aquariums can be broadly grouped into three categories, indigenous, exotic and marine. Different sets of guidelines are required for each category. Generally, indigenous fishes are the hardiest and so easy to keep. Exotic fish requires a fairy constant temperature between 26-28 degree celcious, in which case a submersible heater (thermostat) may be required to maintain the temperature during winter months. But, as such fish is a poikilothermic animal, which adapts body temperature to the changing environment. But sudden change in temperature may create a problem and stress-related diseases are anticipated. With few exceptions, both indigenous and exotics can be kept in the same community aquarium providing all fishes are selected on the basis of compatible size and behaviour. Finally, marine aquariums, by far, offer the greatest diversity and the brightest colors of all three categories. Unfortunately, at least in the initial steps of aquarium preparation, they require the maximum time and effort. The guidelines are not difficult to follow. However, one considering a marine aquarium for the first time should contact an expert in this field.