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Discover Where To Place Your Betta Fish Tank And How This Affects Your Bettas Health

25 17:34:28

One of the most important steps in keeping a betta fish is to position their betta tank in the best possible place.

After having and losing a couple of bettas I have figured out some of the things that went wrong. I would like to share the most important with you right now.

A tank that is put into direct sunlight on a window sill is really asking for trouble.

Here is the main problem with the direct sunlight approach. Suppose you place a plastic cup full of water in direct sunshine for about two hours. You will find that the temperature of the water has gone up considerably. Bettas thrive in water that is around 80 degrees and will die in water that gets into the 90's. If your tank has a lid, the temperature increase will be a great deal more dramatic.

I would suggest putting your betta aquarium on an inside wall, well out of direct sunlight, but still in a position of getting light into the tank.

Even though you may want your betta to think he has company, don't put a mirror behind the tank.


This will cause him to think there is another fish in the tank and it will drive him crazy. He will then spend all his time trying to get at the other fish. He will frantically bang on the tank walls attempting to get at the intruder and at some point he may even try to launch himself out of the tank to get at the other male.

Lesson learned is no mirrors. If you want to put something behind the aquarium, put a picture of flowers or trees.

As much as we love our kids, they can be a real problem for your betta fish. If the tank is at eye level to the children, they may start to tap on the glass or put their hands into the water.

Picture that you are now in your house and a huge giant comes up, puts his face at your window and starts banging on the side of your house. Not much fun is it.

Think how scary it must be for a fish to have this happen to their tank. To make matters worse, water will amplify the sound of the tapping inside the tank. You can consider how uncomfortable this would be for your betta.

Even though your betta is just a fish, you owe it to them to provide the best life you can for them. Your betta can live a long and healthy life, up to 5 years. Correct placement of the tank can actually add to the lifespan of your betta, by giving them, a feeling of security and a safe environment in which to live.