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Border Terrier Puppies

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Border Terrier Puppies

Border Terrier Puppies



Border Terrier Puppies

Border terrier puppies can make a delightful addition to a home, but as with any new pet, the decision to adopt a border terrier should not be taken lightly. If you're planning to adopt a puppy and considering the border terrier, it's a good idea to make sure that your household is a good match for this
particular breed.

Border Terrier Puppies: History

Though border terriers were recognized by the American Kennel Club as recently as 1930, these dogs possess an ancient and hardy lineage. They were first bred along the Scottish-English border for the purpose of chasing foxes from underground lairs. Border terriers also specialized in the pursuit of small and occasionally fierce animals like rats and badgers. This type of work called for a small, fearless dog, about 15 inches tall, capable of intense bursts of energy. Border terriers were prized for their ability to disappear underground and conduct the pursuit of prey under their own initiative, beyond the reach of commands. To this day, they are typically intelligent, self-directed, and tenacious. They also show a surprising ability to leap high in the air and run very fast, considering their small size and short legs.

Border Terrier Puppies: Appearance

Border terriers are smaller dogs when fully grown, weighing about 15 pounds and typically standing about 15 inches at the shoulder. They have a slight snub to the nose, a short, powerful muzzle, an otter shaped head, and triangular ears that fall beside the face. Their tails are short and thick and their stance is alert and focused. Their coats come in several colors, including wheaten and black-and-tan.

Border terrier puppies are born with fairly soft coats that reveals a distinct double layering as the puppies mature. Adult border terriers carry a soft downy undercoat covered by a wiry outer coat. The outer coat shows no kink or curl, and is dirt and water resistant, but requires frequent grooming. The coat should also be periodically hand stripped with a stripping comb to remove the outer hair and reveal the soft under layer, a common yearly procedure for most terrier breeds. If a wiry terrier coat is not hand stripped periodically, it can become stringy and scruffy. Stripping is not vital for health reasons, but it can make the shedding process more manageable and the coat more pleasant to touch. Most terrier breeds appear to enjoy the stripping process.

Border Terrier Puppies: Behavior to Expect

Border terriers can be very friendly with children and usually get along well with new adults and other dogs. But because the border terrier was once bred for its ability to chase and attack small animals, you may find that border terrier puppies have a tendency to harass and pounce on cats, and they are not an excellent match for a household with many small cage pets like guinea pigs and rabbits. If you have small pets, it's important to keep them out of your terrier's reach. Border terriers are not generally destructive, but may become bored if left to their own devices, and their task orientation means they may pull things apart in order to reach a goal, such as a squeaking toy under the cushions of a sofa.

Border terrier puppies thrive on attention, like to be touched and petted, and enjoy wide social networks. They do well in busy households and large families, though it's usually a good idea for complex training and serious agility exercises to be handled by one primary person.

Border terrier puppies should be taught to respond to commands early in life, since they are working dogs at heart and enjoy engaging with people and demonstrating industry. These dogs thrive when presented with challenging tasks, like obstacle courses. But for some reason, border terrier owners find that these little dogs respond more willingly to obstacles, challenges and "work", and are not as receptive when asked to do demeaning "tricks." This may be due to their sense of initiative and slightly stubborn nature, but this tendency is not uncommon among other terrier breeds as well. To make the most of their best innate qualities, border terrier puppies should be introduced to obedience classes or agility training early in life, and should be praised for their accomplishments.

Border terriers are strong for such small dogs and they capable of impressive bursts of energy, so they need plenty of exercise and stimulation. But they were not bred for endurance, and long walks may make them tired. When they need rest, they can be stubborn and will usually take breaks on their own initiative. Border terriers, even border terrier puppies, are very observant. A trip to the park may mean bursts of high speed running and spectacular leaps in the air, followed by a rest period in which your border terrier lies down in an alert posture and observes the scene for some time while catching her breath.

Border terriers, like many terrier breeds, can be incredibly loyal. They are stalwart, determined, clever, and though they are small, they have "highland hearts as true as steel" and make excellent lifelong companions. But before you bring border terrier puppies home, remember a few of the caveats that accompany the adoption of any purebred dog:

  • Purebred dogs are still dogs, and their personalities are entirely unique. Many people who adopt a purebred dog expect a very specific set of behaviors, and are surprised to find out that dogs, like people, are unpredictable. Their personalities are as singular as snowflakes. Be prepared for the unexpected.

  • Purebred dogs often have health problems. Some of the problems specific to borer terriers may include hip dysplasia, heart problems, retinal atrophy and seizures.

  • Thousands of dogs, including border terrier puppies, border terrier mixes, and mutts with terrier lineage, are taken to shelters every day. These dogs need homes, and if you think a border terrier is right for you, consider a border terrier or terrier mix who may be waiting right now for rescue and adoption.