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Choose Pet Foods Made From By-products, Soy & Corn Or Real Meat?

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Most people consider their dog to be their best friend, which if you do too, you want to make sure your friend is healthy and eats only foods that are good for him.

It is important for a person to select the right pet foods as there are many varieties in the market place, from all natural dog food, premium dog foods, dry dog foods, and hence, how is it possible to make a proper decision about pet nutrition?

To compare commercial pet foods and pet treats from big brands such as pet food manufacturer Hill Pet and others, start by checking the ingredient list. This is a simple and easy way to take the guesswork out of feeding your dog.

Checking ingredients makes it simple to weigh up the pros and cons of natural dog foods, dry dog foods, canned dog foods and other commercial foods. If the ingredients are whole and human grade meat primarily, and without by-products and fillers such as corn, then you are on the right track.

Left to their own devices about dog nutrition, dogs would probably pass on dogs food. Treats are much more appetizing! They certainly wouldn't choose diet dog food! But choosing and rationing the right amount of treats vs. food will greatly affect your dog's health.

Dog nutrition is about striking the right balance of food groups and vitamins and minerals for optimum health, and if you are among the growing number of pet owners who find their dog has food allergies, finding products with the right ingredients is crucial.

Most people know that natural pet foods are the best, like raw dog food, and some will only settle for organic dog food, but with time restrictions, cost, and nutritional knowledge being important factors in this argument, everyone needs to do what is best for them and their pet.

Many companies make pet foods which are designed to directly address a dog's nutrition. Supplements may be necessary depending on the general health of your dog, its age and its diet. However, just like in humans, if the diet is adequate and balanced it should be enough to properly address all the nutritional needs.

When you are trying to decide upon a dog food, or puppy food for that matter, read the ingredient list printed on the side or back of the container. Look at the first few items, as these are what make up most of the contents, and make sure there aren't any byproducts. Never buy a pet food that contains byproducts.

Although your dog may like pet food, dogs sometimes eat other things which may actually be harmful for them, for example chocolate. Chocolate is a classic example of toxic foods for dogs, so please check before giving your dog a treat!