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Fireworks Fear Or Fun?

28 10:58:45 is aware that dog owners all around the country are preparing to deal with the fallout of these legal explosives, we know as fireworks. Fireworks are having a distressing and devastating effect on our dogs. has put together the Canine Firework Rehabilitation Pack. Owners will be able to work with their dog at home fir just 5 minutes a day in order to rehabilitate the dog from their fear of fireworks.

Many owners are worried about the fear and stress their pets suffer due to the loud bangs of fireworks but feel helpless to know how to help.

Catherine Goat, owner of the dog and cat website that provide practical information and specially selected products to solve problems for busy animal lovers say’s, �This is a growing problem as the use of fireworks at celebrations such as; New Year, village festivals, school prom nights and birthday celebrations is becoming more and more popular. Fireworks and their associated problems are becoming an all year round event.

Firework date back to 12th Century China, they were first used to frighten away evil spirits with their loud bangs. Unfortunately today it is our dogs that are being frightened.

Catherine states, �A lot of dogs find the sudden bangs and vibrations of fireworks frightening and stressful. They can bark, cry and urinate. There heart rate will be raised and they will find it difficult to settle. A frightened dog often exhibits aggressive and destructive behaviour. It can be very difficult to calm a dog in this heightened state of fear.

The Canine Firework Rehab Pack works by desensitizing the dog from the sounds of fireworks and replacing the associated negative experiences with many more positive experiences. The programme used dog appeasing pheromone to help the dog to remain calm and cope with stress, thus aiding the rehabilitation process. �Now is the ideal time to rehabilitate your dog in preparation for the 5th of November firework celebrations.� states Catherine.

The canine Rehab Firework Pack comes with a FREE easy to follow 4 step rehabilitation programme. Allowing dog owners to successfully use the products in the pack to fully rehabilitate their dog.

�I know how distressing and destructive it can be to have a dog who is frightened of fireworks, so this is a simple solution to a big problem.� explains Catherine.