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Arthritis in Your Dog and Natural Remedies, Glucosamine rather than Rimadyl

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Arthritis, My Fawn Pug Has It.

Arthritis in Dogs - My Fawn Pug Has It.Credit: Photograph is by the Author and all Rights are His.

Glucosamine, part of Natural Remedies

No Rx required, unlike Rimadyl

There is something you can get that does not require a vet's Rx, and is good for older pets. Try Glucosamine for yours if he is having minor joint or arthritic symptoms first. Humans have tried it for years.  It is part of natural remedies for dogs.

If Rimadyl is prescribed

If Rimadyl is prescribed, your pet should be tested for liver and kidney problems. Drugs are not better remedies than natural remedies in many cases. Rimadyl is one of the major drugs companies pushed as relievers of symptoms of arthritis in dogs, but should not be given to dogs with liver or kidney problems. The animal pharmacy have spent millions of promoting their drugs, so they are invested in having Vets push them for them. Vets are trained to treat symptoms with drugs and so most are not aware of natural remedies for animals. Glucosamine is one such natural remedy. 


Pfizer had a huge advertising blitz, in the late 90's and 5 million or so dogs were given Rimadyl. It was tauted as the great break through in treatment for arthritis in dogs. Vets pushed it like it was candy.  Rimadyl also may have side effects like Seizures in Dogs.


Alternative treatment for canines would be Glucosamine.  Rimadyl certainly has a place in severe cases, and those that do not respond to Glucosamine, but for light to moderate cases I believe the pet owner would be well advised to try Glucosamine first.  Avoid the side effects of the drug if possible.


The FDA stated that about 30 percent of all veterinarian reports of adverse effects was due to Rimadyl. When Rimadyl was placed on the market the testing for it was not as detailed as might have been expected. In three years on the market there were 10,000 reports of adverse effects and 1,500 deaths of the pet. The adverse reactions included liver problems, kidney failure, and stomach and intestinal problems, as well as death. The kidney and renal failures were in part due to Veterinarians not testing the pets for these conditions before giving them the drug.

Glucosamine for mild symptoms

Using Glucosamine helps with pain relief in dogs, but is said to help maintain and rebuild cartilage as well.  Glucosamine is a sugar that is found naturally in the body. It is a much milder way to try to treat the problem. Glucosamine then is one of  the  natural remedies, an over the counter remedy that can be tried first before attempting the more side effect laden Rimadyl. Ask your Vet about trying the natural remedies of Glucosamine first, rather than Rimadyl, for arthritis in dogs.

Video on Natural Remedies

Video on natural remedies including Glucosamine