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Things To Consider Before You Bring A Dog Home

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Once you have decided to have a dog at home, the next logical question would be which one? And that's a crucial question for sure. Be careful about choosing a dog because it comes with a few responsibilities. Therefore, go for the one that fits well with your lifestyle, temperament and family structure. Here are a few things that you must carefully consider while deciding which one of the several breeds you want to take home.

Size matters. Very much so, because a large dog can obviously not be kept in a two bedroom apartment in a city where the open space is squeezed to limits. So if you have a small home go for a small dog, like a chihuahua.

If you have kids at home, take a gentler dog. Size has nothing to do with the temperament of dogs. Even toy dogs like Chihuahua may not be the best suited for a home with kids due to their high strung behavior while relatively bigger dogs like Labradors are found to be quite affectionate and easy going with the kids. Labradors, in particular, are known to be very tolerant of the kids and can take a lot of rough kiddie treatment before losing temper. However, dogs like Doberman are not so tolerant though some of them turn out to be exceptions. But then, they are individual cases of good dogs. So, you may safely settle for a Labrador.

Another important factor is time. How much time are you willing to spend taking care of the dog? If someone stays home all day long, there is no problem at all. However, in case both the spouses work and the dog is left alone for the whole day, it is very likely that it will be rather irritable in the evening. Dogs do not like being left alone over extended periods of time. Consistent loneliness may also cause some serious psychological problems to your pet. So bring the animal home only when you can take care of it.

Dogs are active animals. So, you must consider your schedule and whether or not you'll be able to spend some time outdoors or indoors playing with your pet. You may have to fall in a habit of getting up early to walk the dog. Of course, that's healthy for you too. And if you cannot manage it in the morning, consider evenings.

Dogs are responsible affectionate companions but demand attention and care. Take care of them and they'll reciprocate.