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Bulldog Dog Breed Profile

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Description: The Bulldog, also known as the English Bulldog, is a low-slung, muscular dog with strong shoulders. The Bulldog's face is its most distinguishing feature, being a mass of wrinkles with an extremely short muzzle. The jaws are very strong and broad and the lower jaw is undershot. The Bulldog will be between 12 to 16 inches at the shoulder, with the dog weighing up to 55 pounds and the bitches up to 51 pounds. The coat is short and can be in a variety of colors: brindle, white, fawn, red, or yellow.

History: The original Bulldogs has scant resemblance to the dogs of today, either physically or mentally. The early Bulldogs were taller, more athletic dogs with a fierce disposition. They were used in bull or bear baiting, or in dog fighting. These Bulldogs were sometimes pitted against men. However, these early Bulldogs were put to good use in 17th century New York. At the time, cattle were allowed to roam freely through the streets. The dangers posed by bulls caused the Bulldogs to be used to hold the bull until it could be roped. After bull baiting was banned, devotees of the breed crossed it with the Pug, softening its disposition while retaining its fearless and determined nature. The facial wrinkling and short, wide muzzle derive from the Pug as well.

Temperament: It would be hard to find a more even-tempered and gentle dog than the Bulldog of today. They are trustworthy and kind with children and thrive when given plenty of human attention. The Bulldog is still very courageous and protective, but they are not aggressive. They become devoted to their human family and are excellent companions for all ages. The Bulldog can be stubborn and is often difficult to train. Bulldogs generally become friendly with any other household pets. It should be noted that the Bulldog can exhibit a sense of humor. They are direct, uncomplicated dogs.

Health Issues: Because of their short muzzles, Bulldogs can be subject to problems with breathing, and some have a small trachea. They tend to snore. Also, they are extremely sensitive to heat. Never leave a Bulldog in a car during warmer weather, the dog can easily succumb to heat stroke. Bulldogs can suffer from hip dysplasia. A caesarian section is often needed because the puppies have large heads.

Grooming: Because the Bulldog has a short coat, it is easy to care for. A brisk brushing several times a week will stimulate your Bulldog and keep the coat in good condition. This will also help to control shedding. The Bulldog should not be given too many baths. Attention should be given daily to the facial wrinkles to keep them clean and dry.

Living Conditions: The Bulldog is not an outdoor dog at all, it must live inside, preferably in a house with the people it loves. This breed is unable to tolerate extremes of heat or cold. As these dogs relate closely to their human friends, Bulldogs should be kept near them as much as possible. Bulldogs are easily kept in an apartment, but should be walked every day for necessary exercise.