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Ways To Make Your Dog Obey You

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Training a new puppy can be overwhelming. Make sure to persevere as dog training is very important. Positive training is key in training a dog. It is important to be consistent and extremely patient when training your dog. Put time aside every day, somewhere around 25 minutes for training; that amount of time is about the attention span of your pup. If you spend a longer amount of time training your dog, they are going to get bored.

Study whether or not your training methods are a good fit for the breed of dog you have. Some breeds may require more time to train because they can have a hard time retaining new information. There are several dog breeds that need your patience when training, and basset hounds and bulldogs are just two such breeds.

Try to think like your dog. Frustration may come quickly if your dog does not pick up your training of basic things quickly. It might make things easier if you ask yourself what is going on in your dog's mind. Your dog might not be making the connection between the order and the behavior you expect from them because you have not repeated the exercise enough times.

Training isn't impossible! In fact, training your dog can be easy if you take the time.

If you are leash training a puppy, put the collar on him in advance of training. You should start your dog off by wearing a collar from the time they are puppy, they will not think that y9ou are going to put them on a leash this way.

Start small when you begin to work on training your dog to give your dog an easy start. This will act as a foundation for further training as well as help you see instant success. This will produce better results as you proceed with training.

Avoid letting your dog have accidents when potty training. Pay attention for signs that your dog needs to go outside. Pacing, whining and snuffling are common. Do not hesitate when you see your dog do that. Take your dog out on the leash and take them to where you want them to go to the bathroom. Reward the dog for using the bathroom outdoors. Soon, he'll get the picture that he can ask to go outside.

Dog training is a family affair. Involve the whole family in the training process and ensure that the same commands are used by each family member. There is no substitute for consistency in training dogs.

Your dog learns you are in charge if you make him return a thrown ball to your feet. If you pick up the ball after he drops it somewhere else, then you are sending him the message that he is the boss. You need to make sure they give you the ball in your hand; they will see who is boss this way.

Be sure to take your dog to the vet annually for vaccinations and a physical exam. If you see that your dog has trouble with certain parts of training, or you notice that he has started to backslide, be sure his health is good. Dogs tend to be good at masking their pain. Sometimes changes in behavior are the only indication that there may be a health problem. In some cases, a dog will show pain through being aggressive. If your dog has a regression in it's toileting training, it may be an urinary tract infection.

Dogs possess brains that require stimulation. Find some fun puzzle toys for your dog to develop its problem-solving skills while being able to chew. Take your dog's skills into consideration when choosing a puzzle toy for him.

Training your dog, as you have read, is not rocket science. Apply what you've learned here, and you'll be an expert dog trainer in no time.