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Good Dogs Are The Result Of Consistent Training

27 17:30:45
If you've never trained a dog before, you are probably eager to find some solid, helpful dog training tips. The following advice can help start you and your dog get on the right path.

When dogs bark excessively, shouting does not help. Shouting at a barking dog may encourage them to bark more. By shouting at your dog while he is barking, you may very well convince him that whatever he's barking at is worth barking at. Instead, distract your dog from barking by remaining calm.

Do your research and find a training method that works best with your breed of dog. Some breeds just don't learn things as quickly as others. These dogs just need a bit more time. Bulldogs and basset hounds can be difficult to train and require quite a bit of patience.

Know your dog's body language to know when they have go out. Dogs will let you know when they have to go. If you can learn their habits, it is easier to know when to go outside. If you learn your dog's natural signs, you will have an easier time house training your dog.

Training does involve stopping bad behaviors. When you say no, say it like you mean it. Do not holler and do not hit the dog with your hand or anything else. Make sure you correct the bad behavior immediately or as soon as you can after it occurs. Dogs memories do not last that long. Wait too long, and your dog will not understand why they are being punished.

Chewing is a very bad behavior for a dog to have. Breaking this habit will help you save your property and the life of your dog. Try to keep tempting items out of your dog's reach, preventing the problem before it begins. Some companies also make bitter sprays that can keep pets off of furniture and other valuables.

As you train dogs, it is necessary to utilize a consistent tone and volume when giving commands. The dog will know you're telling them what to do that way. It will also let the dog know the difference between an angry voice, a happy voice and an authoritative voice.

Let any dog you approach sniff your hand first so he can smell you. The dog will become familiar with your smell and recognize the scent in the future. After your dog gets your scent, it will no longer fear you and will follow commands better.

It is not a good idea to use a tight leash when walking your dog if you want it to be well-behaved. If you wind up doing this, you give your dog a constant urge to pull. This is not something that you want the dog to do. Because of this, make sure the leash is comfortably slack.

When using a crate to train your dog, you'll want to make sure that you select the right size. Keep in mind that puppies get bigger. Choose a crate which will be the right size for the dog when he grows up. Your dog should be able to easily turn around and sleep without being overly crowded.

When training, try using the "shake-can" technique. Use an empty can, such as a soda can to hold a few coins. Seal the can shut. When your dog does something wrong, give the can a shake. The dog will be startled and the behavior will cease. Eventually, your dog will get the idea that the behavior is not allowed. You should only shake it one time, if done more than one time your dog will not respond to it any longer.

Remain realistic about changing behaviors that have happened for years. If your dog was trained by someone else and they learned bad behavior it can be hard to change, but it is possible. Behaviors that are addressed at a young age are easier to change than others.

You should now realize just how it easy it is to teach your dog how to behave. Put these ideas into play, and you can train your dog to do practically anything. Dogs are interested in pleasing you and they will follow commands. All that is needed is your devotion and patience. Give this a try right away!